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I could see at least thirty bandits, along with four mages. A dark orange water element augmenter wielding two blades, a solid orange water element conjurer, a dark orange augmenter wielding a giant battle axe with a scar on his face, seemingly their leader, and a dark orange augmenter wielding a whip. 

The leader spoke out. "Look what we have here. Pretty good catch boys. Leave only the girls and the kid alive. Try not to scar them too much. Damaged goods will only sell for less," he snorted with a smirk that revealed a nearly toothless mouth.

Damaged goods........

I felt my heartbeat rise, not out of fear, but out of rage. I stood up, but before I could approach the leader, my mother wrapped her hands around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Submit, O' wind and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier!" Instantly I feel a gust of wind forming a tornado around Mother, Angela, and I. Then the gust bent into a sphere around us.

"Gather and guard my allies O' benevolent Earth; do not let them be harmed!"

[Earth Wall]

A four meter tall earth wall appeared around us as Durden finished chanting his spell, and we were now under two layers of barriers. 

Quickly, the twin horns took up a formation with my father as the leader. While he normally seemed goofy and cheerful, in reality, he was a very competent man and leader.

My father charged at the leader, getting into a fierce battle as Jasmine was attacked by the one with a whip. 

Adam, who was fighting the dual wielder, seemed to be struggling. The blow I did to his stomach - it still hasn't healed, I realized. 

That idiot! He had been hiding his injury so he wouldn't have to look bad by getting injured by a child! He wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

Angela's wind blades in tandem with Helen's arrows wiped out multiple bandits, but more and more were coming. 

"Take heed, Mother Earth, and answer my call. Pierce my enemies. Let none of them live."

[Rupture Spike]

After a brief delay, a dozen spikes began shooting up from the ground at the bandit archers. Some dodged, but some were killed on contact with the sharp stones.

Adam's battle wasn't looking too well, as he was getting heavily pushed back, and the battle was escalating even further. 


The rock wall collapsed as my father's body collided with it at high speeds. 

"Dad!" "Honey!" Me and my mother yelled out at the same time. At the same time, the dual wielder finally pierced Adam in the gut, taking him out of the fight.

My mother frantically took out her wand, and against my father's insistence started healing him.

"HEY! That one's a healer! Get 'er!" The leader roared as the remaining archers and even the dual wielder took focus on her. 

My mother's healing didn't do much, however, as she lacked the time to heal my father properly due to the dual-wielder and leader approaching us at fast speeds.

"Arthur! Protect your mom, please! GO, RUN!" My father frantically screamed as he got back up on his wobbly legs, trying to gain us more time.

I grabbed the dagger Helen had gifted me from its holster, throwing it at the bandit leader's throat at fast speeds, but at the last second he managed to shift rightward and it stabbed him directly in his shoulder instead. "Don't die, dad!" I yelled as I picked up my mother using wind magic, sprinting down the forest path.

We were losing this fight, badly, all due to me. Would I really allow the twin horns to die here? Throughout our journey, I had gotten to know all of them quite well. 

No. I wouldn't. 

Jasmine and Durden fought the whip-wielder together, Helen was slowly picking off the archers, Angela was fighting the last of the bandits, Adam was out of the fight, and my injured father was fighting the bandit leader, now on even ground as my stab destabilized his swings completely.

That means the dual wielder was mine.

He was running a short distance behind me, yelling bullshit like "Come heere kid, I won't hurt yoooou!"

I created a rock wall similar to how Durden had done in front of my mother, and turned around. I had around half of my mana left, but that was enough.

A huge hammer of ice materialized in my hand as I was spinning to face the dual wielder. Due to the angular momentum, it was much too fast for him to react in any other way than putting his two daggers in the way and hoping.

The impact launched him a few meters away, smashing through a tree, but he still wasn't done for. His left hand was crushed, but his right was still fine. He dashed towards me, who had dispelled the hammer and instead opted to go into hand-to-hand combat. He slashed at me horizontally, and I used my small stature to run between his legs, under his slash, and stab a very sharp piece of rock into his side. 

I pulled out the rock, stabbing him three more times, which dropped him to his knees. 

"Damien! Forget the plan, don't let them live!" The leader barked out.

Who was he commanding?

"... respond to my call and wash all to oblivion!" a faint voice finished chanting.

[Water Cannon]


A massive sphere of water was approaching the rock wall behind which my mother was hidden. It was definitely powerful enough to destroy it to pieces, crushing my mother along with it. I was too far away and too drained of mana to block it. 

"DAMMIT!" I shouted, doing the only thing I logically could. As the sphere rammed into the earth wall, crumbling it into pieces, I pushed my mother out of the way, taking the impact for her. Using the last bit of mana I had, I created a large icicle and shot it out at the mage, hitting him square in the forehead. 

As I felt the last bit of mana drain out of me, my eyes started to droop. 

Still, I was comforted in the fact that everyone will be okay. Maybe the only thing I would regret being unable to see my baby sibling.

With that, I felt the cold grip of sleep steal me away.

Damn... I had always wanted to be an older brother.

TBATE: Born as a god REOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora