Final Part

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Lincoln sat on the ground, staring at the destroyed home. Covering his face, he was trying not to cry. He had the power. But, he couldn't protect his sisters.

Dodger was in a strange cocoon, and the Bandicoots and himself don't have a ride to find The Witch and his best friend who is a werewolf.


The Kid Superhero look to see Coco sit by him with her brother sitting on the opposite side.

"We can't give up. If we do, she'll win and bring darkness into your world."

"I know...I can't fight Clyde. He's going to stop me if I try to stop The Witch. I'm just going to be in the way. Maybe Dodger was right."

"You're not alone in this fight. My brother and I are going to help. First, we need to help Dodger in this mess. There has to be a way to save him."

Aiming her tablet at the cocoon, Coco scanned it, and it showed life signs of the encased human. "He's alive. But it shows that he's in a coma."

The eyes of Lincoln at the word "coma" and cover his mouth. "That's not good. He only has time left. How can we save him?"

Crash went over to the kid, placing his metal hand on his shoulder. There was a sudden bright light that flashed. Coco reopened her eyes, and her jaw dropped at the sight of the two male species.

"Is everything okay? Why are you staring at me?"

"Lincoln, do you feel strange?" She asked.

Lincoln flexed his biceps. "I feel a lot...powerful. I feel different, too.

The Royal Woods Kid was a tall teen with a muscular body that his costume was fitting. "My suit is really tight."

The Female Bandicoot turned to her brother, who was back to himself. Looking back and forth at the two and piece together what happened.

"This is fantastic. Crash, you touched Lincoln and gave him your piece of the gem's power. Lincoln, put your hand on him.

Lincoln did, and he was back to his kid self while Crash was back to Mecha Bandicoot. "Awesome. You three can pass off energy to one another. Lincoln, touch the cocoon."

Walking to where Dodger was wrapped in. Placing his hand on it. Another flash of light, the three of them freak out as the cocoon had cracks of purple light seep out of it.

"Okay, Crash, your turn. Place your hand on it."

Shallowing the spit in his mouth, the Marsupial tip-toe to the cocoon and place both his hands on it. With a flash, cocoon had more cracks for Dodger to break free.

Lincoln closed his eyes and prayed. "Come on, Dodger."


Dodger found himself around the Command Center from Power Rangers. Looking around, he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"Zordon's tube. The Viewing Globe. Why am I here?" He asked himself.

"We brought you here."

Turning around, he was met by two men wearing black clothing. One was Asian and the other was African American.

"Oh my greatness! Walter Jones and Johnny Yong Bosch!

"Who?" Both men asked.

Slapping his forehead, Dodger gave them a cheesy smile. "Hi Zack. Hi Adam. What are you doing here?"

"We're here because you have the power of the Black Power Ranger. As the former holders, we must make sure that the power is in safe hands" said Zack, who was walking around the hero.

The Dodge and LOUDY Bandiroonie BIG Halloweenie SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now