Chapter 8

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"Alright. I definitely know which is better." Harumi stated, her plate empty in front of her.

"Oh yeah, me too." Lloyd said, swallowing the last of his scrambled eggs.

"You first." Harumi proposed

"No, ladies first." Lloyd said.

"Okay, why don't we both say it at the same time." Harumi suggested.

"On three?" Lloyd asked.

"One, two, three" Harumi counted.

"Boiled" The two answers overlapped each other, but it left Harumi confused.

"Wait, did you say boiled?" She asked as if to double confirm.

"Yeah, I did. You were right, I have never had a good boiled egg." He smiled. "You had them cooked perfectly, not too runny but it wasn't too dry either. It was delicious!" He described.

"Wow, I really thought you were going to say scrambled." Harumi smiled, proud of her victory.

"After your cooking? No way." He chuckled.

A blush crept onto Harumi's cheeks, again. It has been happening more and more frequently. And it embarrassed the hell out of Harumi. She didn't know what it was! It first happened a couple of days ago, when Lloyd stood close to her on the deck. She was so glad Lloyd thought she was cold, gave her a reason to leave the situation. Then it happened again, last night, when Lloyd hugged her. Lloyd didn't mention it that time, to Harumi's fortune. And now? He had only complimented her cooking, they had a cook-off of course he complimented her cooking! This was no matter to blush over! But the more Harumi focused on her blushing, the worse it got. Harumi didn't know why she had turned into this blushing mess all of a sudden!

"But your scrambled eggs were good too! The best I've actually ever had." Harumi returned the compliment, making Lloyd smile.

"Oh really? Thanks, I don't usually cook so that's nice to hear." Lloyd smiled.

"You don't? Who then?" Harumi asked.

"Zane, he's the best. And Cole when we let him. His food is... interesting." Lloyd chuckled.

"Right." Harumi chuckled.

"What happened here!?" Harumi's mom's voice suddenly interrupted the two's conversation. 

Harumi quickly raised her head to look at her mom, who had just walked into the space. Then Harumi realized to look around, understanding why her mom had yelled. The stove was covered in various seasonings and one raw egg, a failed individual... The sink was filled with measuring cups, a pan, and a pot, all dirty. There was also one raw egg on the floor, another failed individual... Lloyd and Harumi hadn't been exactly... tidy with the contest.

"Oh, right. Don't worry, we'll clean up, mrs. Sato." Lloyd quickly answered. 

"Sorry, our breakfast got out of hand..." Harumi apologized. 

Her mom sighed. "It's fine, as long as you clean up. I'm going to take a shower and this better be gone by then." She said, turned around and walked into the bathroom. 

The two turned to look at each other, then bursted out laughing. 

"Is everything- Oh" Kai bursted into the room, first panic in his tone, then a realization. He also looked around the dirty kitchen, then at the pair. 

Harumi and Lloyd paused, then bursted into another fit of laughter. 

"Right, I'll um... Leave you guys to it..." Kai said, backing out of the kitchen slowly. 

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