Chapter 13

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Harumi was kneeling beside Lloyd's lifeless body. Garmadon had yanked her off from the metal pole, throwing her out with Lloyd. She had landed in the sand, out in the night. Her head was bleeding, her voice sore from screaming. 

She must've been out for quite a while, as she woke up already chained to the pole. Duct tape over her face. In the Kryptarium prison, a place that she had only heard stories off of. Where all the worst criminals were kept. 

Her wrists were bloody from trying to get out of the handcuffs. Yet still nothing hurt as much as the sight of Lloyd's lifeless body infront of her. The bikers had left them alone, they were alone. Harumi didn't know where the others were, Lloyd had come alone. 

"Lloyd, please..." She whispered with her raspy voice. Her tears fell into the sand, down her cheeks. She couldn't lose him, not him too. She lifted his head into her lap.

"I need you..." Harumi cried. He had lost her dad. Her mother... She couldn't lose anyone anymore. Harumi carefully placed her hand over Lloyd's nostrils, praying for something. 


she felt a slight breeze on her hand. 

She audibly gasped and placed her ear over Lloyd's nose. His chest rose, ever so slightly, but enough that Harumi knew. 

He was alive. 

Harumi's tears of despair turned into tears of hope. She wouldn't lose him. She wouldn't have to watch him pass in her arms.

Harumi didn't close her eyes once. She followed Lloyd's chest, rising and lowering. Him breathing. In and out. That's all that mattered to Harumi right now. The fact that Lloyd was alive. Her own pain didn't matter. The whole world around her didn't matter. She just prayed that the others would find them. Get Lloyd to safety. Heal him. She watched as the sun rose. Like she had done in the jungle and on the ship. She had watched many sunrises. 

Then she saw something on the horizon. Something in the sky. 

A dot, far far away. 

Until it got closer. And closer. It started to take on the shape of a... ship? 

It was the Bounty! The others had found them! 

Tears started flowing down Harumi's cheeks again.

Harumi carefully lifted Lloyd's head off her lap. She then stood up and started waving her arms. "Over here!" She yelled even though it probably sounded more like a screech. 

The Bounty approached her slowly but surely. When it got to her, Kai and Jay jumped out of it. They quickly ran over to Harumi, noticing Lloyd's barely alive body on the ground. 

"Lower the gurney." Jay said into his earpiece. 

"Is he alive?" Kai asked, panic painting his face. 

"He is breathing, yes, but I think he's getting weaker by the second. We need to get him help, right now." Harumi said, her voice stern and determined. 

"You got it." Kai said. The gurney lowered, and Jay and Kai lifted Lloyd into it. Then Jay lifted Harumi up into the ship, they all gathered in the mech room.

"Garmadon almost killed him. I think he thinks he actually did." Harumi explained, sitting next to Lloyd, a warm blanket on her shoulders and Nya stitching the scar in her head. 

"Yeah it was all broadcasted... everywhere." Cole's voice said softly. 

The thought of everyone seeing Lloyd fail, made Harumi desperate. Then angry. Her mother wanted to humiliate him. She was pure evil, wasn't she? Even with all these emotions, she just sighed. 

Destiny - A Ninjago fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora