The Conniver (must read)

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EVIL KINGS #1 : It all started before summer. It's supposed to be fun, exciting, and thrilling. The acquaintance party, where everyone is drinking and dancing. But the scream of help is tarnished. The blood stains are still visible to us, and the killer is haunted by his new prayer.

In the small town of Kingsford Valley in Quezon Province. There's a school that only wealthy families can afford. Kingsford International University. But the school closed in two months because of the murder.



I'm lurking in the shadow;
I was invisible to him.
But when I saw him again,
Rafael Vincent Hawke.
He treats me before like I'm air;
I'm like a ghost to him.
Now. I'm trapped by a devil. He will not stop me;
he will lurk around just to know if i hide a secrets
He will blackmail me for something I didn't do.
He will poison me to fall for his wrath. He's conniving and controlling.
I can run, but I can't hide from him. 


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


All my characters in this story are not perfect. I write about their characteristics: committing mistakes, showing their flaws, and learning from their mistakes.

We are taught to love others and respect them. And I'm here, asking you to be respectful and love each other in the comment section. Thank you!

The original name of the series is Southern Heights. But I changed it into Evil Kings for personal reasons. The places are fictional; there's no Kingsford Valley is not existing It's purely fictional, and it inspired small towns in the books i read.

Evil Kings series is a dark romance.

The Conniver (A Dark College Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon