Chapter 12

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"Are you going to eat all that?" Mason chuckled.

"Yep" Adele said as she sat at the table.

"I still can't believe you woke up early to go for a run after going out last night. What time was it when we came back?"

"Around 3 a.m."

"And when did you leave?"

"At 7."

"Addie, did you sleep?" Mason laughed.

"The moment my head touched the pillow I was out" she shrugged. Which was the biggest lie ever.

She had probably managed to sleep for maybe an hour and a half, and the moment there was light coming through the window, she had gotten up and ready to do the one thing that she knew always allowed her to not think about anything: running. So she put on her shoes, chose her favourite playlist, and left the hotel.

"Lucky you" he sighed.

"Didn't you manage to sleep?"

"I did, but it wasn't pleasant. I kept waking up and... urgh" he groaned, checking his phone.

"What is it?" Adele asked, giving her croissant a big bite.

"My agency. I have a meeting in half an hour with them and they are already bothering me about it."

"Is that the reason why you didn't sleep well?"

"Yeah. We are organizing everything for the launch of the perfume's campaign, and it is driving me crazy."

"Oh, the perfume... The one that started it all."

"The same one" Mason smiled. Though it was his sad smile, the one Adele knew meant that something was going on.

"Mase, are you ok?" she asked, reaching for his hand.

"I am, yes. Just tired" he said, his thumb caressing her knuckles, the butterflies on her stomach waking up.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything."

"I know. Thank you, Addie" he smiled. But again, it wasn't his usual smile. "Anyway, I better go get ready. It's a zoom meeting and I want to look a bit more presentable."

"I like the way you look" she said, speaking before thinking.

"Even if my hair is a mess?" Mason laughed.

"Messy hair is the best hair" she shrugged, not daring to look him in the eyes. "Will I see you later?"

"Of course. I want to take you to El Retiro, maybe go on one of those small boats they have?"

"The walk part sounds perfect. The one about the boats... I don't know if I trust you" Adele teased him.

"I would never let anything happen to you. Ever" Mason said, the way he was looking at her, giving her the impression that there was something else behind those words. "And I better get going. See you later, Miss Turlington" he smiled, lifting her hand and kissing it. They hadn't stopped holding hands since the moment Adele had reached for his.

"See you later, Mr. Mount" she replied.


"Are you going to tell me what is going on?"


"Mase, you've been acting super weird the whole day. Did something happen during the meeting?" Adele asked him after their walk.


"Then why do look you so..." she said, gesturing with her hands.


"Miserable. You look the same you did before your birthday."

"It's nothing."

"There definitely is something. C'mon, talk to me" Adele said, following him as he walked towards his room.

"It's nothing" he repeated.

"Mase... Mason" she said, grabbing his arm and making him stop. "Talk to me."

"It's... Fine" he sighed. "Come inside."


"I'm ready when you are ready" Adele said, grabbing Mason's hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. They had been sitting on his bed in silence for what felt like an eternity, which was only making her feel more and more nervous. What could have happened in that meeting for him to go back to this mood?

"Remember that I told you that the meeting was for the launch of the perfume?"


"Well, we are going to be throwing a party in Tuscany because that's where we got the inspiration from and where we shot the campaign."

"I remember your trip there. It was when I was in Paris with my mum."

"That's the one, yes. This party... this party is gonna be huge, Addie. Big names in fashion will be attending, and also actors, musicians, influencers... Even some football players."

"That is amazing, isn't it?"

"It is, yes. But..."

"But?" Adele said, squeezing his hand once again.

"My agency has asked for something. Something related to us."

"I already told them I will be at the party. What else do they want?"

"Something you aren't going to like, Addie."

"What do they want, Mason?" she asked.

"They... they want us to walk the red carpet together."

"No" Adele said, letting go of his hand and standing up. "No, no, no. We agreed I would not walk any red carpet or do anything that involves me having to actually pose in front of a camera."

"But Addie..."

"I said no. You know how much I hate it."

"I do. But they are insisting."

"You mean they are threatening you again. I can't believe it" she said as she started to pace around the room. "This has to stop, Mason. You can't keep working with such horrible people."

"I don't have another choice."

"Yes, you do! Sue them and leave them! My dad knows really good lawyers, they could help you."

"It isn't that easy" he said, nervously playing with his hands.

"Why not? Whatever those clauses are, I'm sure they will find a way to, I don't know, annul them? There is this guy I met once in Barcelona who works with football teams and..."

"Adele, no" Mason cut her, also standing up. "Lawyers can't fix this. And if they can, it will be too late. My career will already be ruined."

"Because of some clauses on your contract?"

"Because... because... urgh" he said, running a hand through his hair.

"Mase, hey" Adele whispered, caressing his cheek. "You can tell me whatever it is."

"I can't. Not this."

"Why not? Mase, look at me" she said, cupping his face and forcing him to look at her. "Why not?"

"Because if I tell you what they have against me, what they are using to make me do all these things I don't want to... You won't be able to look at me the same way. And I can't lose you, Adele. I can't" he cried, resting his forehead on hers.

"You won't lose me, Mason. Whatever it is... I'm not going anywhere. But you have to tell me. You have to let me help you. Because this, keeping this secret, is hurting us both."

"I know" he sobbed.

"Then tell me. What do they have that is so bad that it could end your career?"


"Mason, please" she begged him, feeling a tear down her cheek. "Please, tell me what it is. Trust me."

"Ok..." he sighed. "It's... They... They have a sex tape."

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