Chapter 15

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Author's note: Big things happening in this chapter and the next one 👀


"I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it back to the villa, Mase. I ate so much..."

"I told you we should have taken the Vespa."

"Yeah... Anyway, thank you for this."

"You're very welcome" he smiled before kissing her hand, that once again, was tangled with his.

It was the day before Adele's birthday, and since her parents had decided to throw a little party, Mason had planned to take her into town to eat together just the two of them one last time. And they had gone to one of their favourite places, the pizzeria they had loved so much all those years ago.

"Can we have some gelato?"

"Addie, are you still hungry?" Mason laughed.

"They say it is digestive, remember? And I need something to help me with it, look at my belly. It's as if I'm like 5 or 6 months pregnant."

"What?" he chuckled.

"Look" she said, letting go of his hand and touching her stomach the same way pregnant women do.

"Adele!" Mason laughed.

"Do I look pregnant or not?"

"You look beautiful."

"And pregnant" she repeated, trying to ignore how her cheeks were getting warm. "How should we call him?"


"My food baby. He is yours, you were the one who took me to the pizzeria."

"I mean... Since the baby was made at Gialunca's pizzeria..."

"Gianluca. I like it. Say hello to your pizza son, Gianluca" Adele laughed.

"Hello" Mason smiled, caressing her belly as if there actually was a baby in there. When their eyes met, his hand still on her stomach, they found themselves smiling like two idiots. And then, a horrible sound was heard.

"Holy shit, Addie" Mason laughed. "I felt my hand vibrating!"

"I told you I needed something to help with my digestion. That sound isn't a good sign."

"Smelly Addie?" he smirked.

"That happened once!"

"That I know of..."

"Meh meh meh" she replied, rolling her eyes. "As if you didn't do it."

"I do, but mine smell like roses" he grinned.


"They do."

"Then next time you should bottle one and save it for your next perfume."

"Maybe I should. Good idea, Addie" Mason said before both of them bursted out laughing.

"Anyway, gelato?" Adele asked.

"Gelato" Mason smiled.


"Elizabeth, you need to relax."

"How do you want me to relax when they've been lying to our faces for months?"

"Those photos may have been taken out of context."

"Toni, have you seen the same photos I have? You can't take that out of context!"

"It can happen. Or have you forgotten that you yourself went through something like this before your wedding?"

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