Chapter 4

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Quickshadow was growing bigger and bigger as time passed. She was getting more and more excited as the days passed. She was really looking forward to the birth of her baby. She was really excited about it. 

Heatwave was also really excited about the baby coming. He was making sure they had everything they needed for the baby. "I am so looking forward to the baby coming," Heatwave said. "I am so looking forward to being a father," he said.

"I am looking forward to being a mother," Quickshadow said. "I hope our son is born healthy," she said.

"I hope so too," Heatwave said. "I hope we got everything ready," he said.

"I think we do the nursery is all set up, we have the bassinet, we have the car seat, we have the stroller, we have chosen a pediatrician, we made our wills, we have our birth plan and the bag to the hospital is even packed," Quickshadow said. "So I think we are well prepared," she said.

"I know," Heatwave said. "I just worry about the things that may go wrong," he said.

"I understand that," Quickshadow said. "I am worried about that too," she said. "But our doctor will make sure to handle it if something does go wrong," she said. 

"You're right," Heatwave said. 

Heatwave and Quickshadow were both very busy and doing what they need to do. They were busy thinking of names for their son. 

Soon it was November and the baby was due any day now. Heatwave and Quickshadow were both very excited about it. Quickshadow was finding herself growing more excited as the days came by. She was also feeling huge and her breasts were tender and full of colostrum. Quickshadow had decided to breastfeed her son. Her mother did it for her and her brother and Heatwave said his mother did it for him and his sister. Quickshadow wanted to give her son the best start in life and that meant breast milk. Quickshadow was learning about how it was done properly before birth so she would be ready for it. 

Then on November 10th early in the morning Quickshadow was asleep. She was feeling pain that came and went for a while. Then at 3:00 am Quickshadow woke up. "Ooh ow!" Quickshadow said. She knew she was having contractions now. "Heatwave wake up it's time," she said shaking him.

Heatwave woke up and grabbed the back. "The car seat is already installed," Heatwave said.

"Good," Quickshadow said. "I am relieved to hear that," she said. "I am glad you did that a couple of days ago," she said.

"I had a feeling it was going to be soon," Heatwave said.  "Okay now let's go," he said. He was helping Quickshadow to the car.

They saw Chief was awake doing the night shift. "Heatwave? Quickshadow? What is going on?" Chief asked.

"The baby is coming," Quickshadow said. "Ouch!" she said.

"Easy darling," Heatwave said.

"Well you two better get to the hospital," Chief said.

"Thanks Chief we will call you when the baby comes," Heatwave said. Then the two of them got to the car and headed to the hospital. They made it to the hospital. Quickshadow was admitted because she was 6 cm dilated which meant active labor. 

They were now in a hospital room. Quickshadow was in a lot of pain and ready to have her baby. Then after 8 more hours at 11:00 am Quickshadow gave birth to her and Heatwave's son. 

"He is perfect," Heatwave said looking at his son in Quickshadow's arms.

"I think we should name him Hot shot," Quickshadow said.

"That has a nice ring to it, it suites him," Heatwave said. "Little Hot shot Flamezer," he said. "Welcome to the world son," he said.

"Yes our little Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "I am so glad he is healthy too," she said. 

Heatwave called the Burn's family. "The baby has be born both Quickshadow and the baby are doing great," Heatwave said and hung up.

The family was surprised. "He sure hung up fast," Cody said.

"Well Heatwave is pretty excited right now," Chief said. "But the important thing is both Quickshadow and the baby are doing fine," he said.

They all came to the hospital to see the new baby. They all came into Quickshadow's room. "Everyone meet our son Hot shot," Heatwave said.

"Look at him he is so cute," Dani said.

"Look him he looks a lot like Quickshadow," Blurr said.

"He sure does," Kade said.

"He is going to be very handsome man when he grows up," Chief said.

"Congrats Heatwave," Kade said.

"Noble," Cody said.

Soon Hot shot was brought home. Hot shot was placed in his bassinet in Heatwave and Quickshadow's room. They knew Hot shot was needing to be close to them for the first four months. Then Hot shot could move into the crib in his nursery.

They were so happy he was there and looking forward to having a good life with their new son.

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