Chapter 5

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The next morning Vincent continued as quiet as ever. William even considered staying at home, but Henry sent him a message asking for his help.

They were now in the kitchen, Vincent preparing breakfast while William drank his coffee, leaning against the counter.

The taller man seemed to be in a rush, 'Huh, that's weird... is he going out...?' William thought.

Suddenly, there was a sound of glass shattering. William looked at his husband.

Vinceny broke a cup by dropping it on the counter, some small cuts on his wrist and hand, that quickly started healing (because of his abilities).

Cursing under his breath, the black haired man used his glitch power to throw the broken glass in the trash bin.

William opened his mouth to ask him if he was okay or what was going on, but Vincent interrupted him, "I need you to keep in contact with me while you're at work."

That caught him by surprise, usually William would block his mind while at work, just to not get distracted, it never seemed to bother Vincent. So... why now?
"What? Why?"

Vincent looked away, his voice low, "Just do it...please..."

He didn't have any reason to not accept, but this was worrying even more. He just wants to grab his husband's shoulders and shake him until he tells him what's wrong, but at the same time he just wants to hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay, even if he doesn't know what the actual fuck is going on.

"Fine..." he answered lowly.

Vincent gave him a small smile, clearly forced, "Thank you, beautiful."

"But...Can't you just...tell me...?" William said, placing the empty mug in the sink.

His husband turned towards him, he looked...scared? Then he shook his head slightly.

William felt like he just got stabbed in the chest, "Why don't you talk to me...?" he said, voice starting to shake.

Vincent's back was now turned to him, "I will...soon." he said, "I need to go." Then he teleported away, leaving William alone.


They heard the whole conversation.

"If daddy can't get to papa, who will?" Elizabeth asked, her green eyes teary.

Michael hugged her, "It's going to be okay."

"William will eventually make him talk, don't worry." Noah said, kneeling down next to Chris, who hugged him tightly.

Michael looked at his husband, he himself was starting to get extremely worried, not only for Vincent, but also for his father.


Once he felt the cold air on his skin, he shivered. It was a cold day, dark clouds were starting to cover the sky.

'It seems like it's going to rain...' he thought, making his way down the street.

Arriving at the cafe, Vincent pushed the glass door open, the sound of a bell rang.

Looking around, he tried to find his brother and, in less than a minute, he saw him sitting in a corner, looking down at his phone.

Making his way to the table, he could feel the stares of some girls on him. He didn't consider himself bad looking, but also nothing special either, even though William always told him he was extremely handsome.

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