End of the Beginning...

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Author's Note: Up until the Vytal Festival, things are relatively the same. Things wouldn't change as much as you'd imagine, but with the changes I have in this version of the series, the festival and the attack at the tournament change things DRASTICALLY.


Almost an entire year of boring classes and not as boring missions have gone by for Team RWBY and the rest of Beacon's first years. Lots of learning about each other, themselves, and the improvements they've made in every aspect.

Let's take a look at Team RWBY as an example;

"Good morning..." Reed mumbles while falling out of his bed and onto the ground.

(Yeah...as iconic and stupid as the ***bunk beds*** were, I don't think that would happen with this version of RWBY.)

"Good morning." Weiss replies, already nose deep in a textbook at her little study table in the corner of the dorm. "I figured you would be excited and more chipper with the Tournament just a few days away."

"You'd think that..."

He looks around the room at his teammates. Yang is watching some video on her scroll with her headphones on, Weiss is studying for seemingly no apparent reason, and Blace is...

"...where's Blace? I thought we told him to stop secluding himself in the library or weapons room..." He tiredly gets out.

Yang notices Reed from the corner of her eye and pauses her video. "If you're looking for Blacey, he got called to Ozpin's. Something about a "delayed meeting", I dunno, wasn't listening."

"Huh? A meeting? Did he get in trouble for the whole...White Fang thing? None of us told anyone else, right? Like, JNPR knows, but did someone hear and rat him out?"

Reed's a little concerned now, but Weiss and Yang don't seem worried, so that eases him slightly.

"He will be okay Reed, don't worry. Everything is under control."




Blace POV:

This elevator ride is miserable alone. All this stupid tension...

I can't tell what direction this meeting is going to go. Ozpin knows my history from Ironwood, and Ironwood knows my history through...through...

The doors open and...God damnit.

Ozpin is seated behind his desk, joined by the Schnee twin soldiers. Winter and Walker. They stand on opposite sides of Ozpin with Ironwood sitting in one of the seats in front of Ozpin's desk facing me.

Just looking at Winter and Walker...you can easily figure out their personalities by their presence, even if they're the same rank of Atlas Specialist.

Winter stands completely straight and still. Her arms are behind her back and her gaze is cold and emotionless. If she were a robot, no one would be surprised. But that's ironic, because Winter isn't the actual robot of the pair. I don't know Walker's story, but he got caught in a fatal attack by the White Fang a few years ago, and was only saved from some kind of operation. That's all the knowledge I have on that. But even as an android, he's different. More emotional. More...alive. He wears a smile, a confident kind of smile, and has his arms crossed.

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