Chapter 7: Questions...

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I wish we could hold hands for a long time, but then the bus stops, and we have reached our destination.

"Everyone, settle down. Wait outside for the announcement," one of the professors shouts, and everyone quickly files out of the bus.

As Onyx and I step out, I immediately spot Carl and Jameson, both grinning widely. Jameson gives me a thumbs-up and a smile.

"Are you alright?" I ask Onyx, who is now standing in front of me. My two friends approach and pat my shoulder. "How was the ride, buddy?" Jameson asks in a teasing tone.

"It was fun, I guess?" Carl chimes in.

Onyx looks at me and smiles. I feel my cheeks turn red, and I fake a cough as an excuse. Why is it that every time he smiles, I feel like there are millions of butterflies in my stomach? Goodness.

"Okay, everyone. Gather around," the professor shouts, and all the students turn their attention to the speaker.

"This is a two-night, three-day camp trip. This camp trip is not all about academics; we are here to do a clean-up drive at the ocean and rivers. But it's not just that. We are also here to enjoy ourselves and socialize with other batches," announces a female professor. The students cheer, and some clap enthusiastically. "For now, let's rest because we had a long drive. Each batch should stick together, okay? Each room can accommodate two students. Just pick a partner from your batch. Boys stay with boys, and girls stay with girls," she adds.

I was happy at first, but learning that each batch must stick together dampened my mood. I want to be with Onyx.

"Hey, there you are. I've been looking for you. Sorry, I got stuck in the cubicle at our first stop," says a guy who just arrived—the one who's always with Onyx.

I can see that Onyx looks uneasy. I don't know what he means, but he doesn't seem calm.

Carl and Jameson look at me with a what-should-we-do expression. I give Jameson a quick signal to ask the professor for permission to allow batch pairing with other batches. Fortunately, Jameson is always happy-go-lucky, and he rushes to the professor.

"I-it's okay. I am good," Onyx says to the guy who just arrived.

"You sure? And by the way, we can stay together, right? Since freshmen stick together?" the guy asks.

"Sorry? Onyx and I are partners," I say in a baritone voice. I want him to know that Onyx is already taken.

The guy laughs. "Sorry? You're a sophomore, right? And by the way, who are you? I'm Cyrone Flores. Bro, freshmen stick together. I assume you are not that deaf and heard what the professor just said, right?" He says and gives me a sarcastic grin. I want to punch him, but I hold back.

I really hope Jameson gives his best to persuade the professor.

"Everyone, listen. I just made some revisions to the rules," the professor shouts again. All attention shifts to her. "Since this field trip is about social responsibility and socialization, all the professors have agreed that it's okay for you to be paired with someone from another batch. This way, you can have fun and get to know others. But boys stay with boys, and girls with girls, alright?" The students cheer in agreement.

I didn't expect Jameson to pull it off. He did, and everyone was so happy and agreed with it.

I give Cyrone a taunting look. "Heard that, bro?"

"You know what, let's ask Onyx who he wants to be paired with?" Cyrone smiles and looks at Onyx with a blank yet smiley face.

"No need, bro. We're partners," I say, pulling Onyx closer to me.

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