Chapter 10: Please, Spare Him

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"All in all, it's 56,000," Walter announced, holding the stack of money.

It's Monday, and the six of us had gathered under the narra tree to count the earnings from our weekend bake sale. We started on Saturday and wrapped up our final sales on Monday morning. We were all tired, but the exhaustion didn't bother us.

"So, I give this money," Walter said, handing me all the money. I was overwhelmed with happiness, grateful for friends who helped without hesitation or expecting anything in return.

"Hey," I called to Onyx, who was leaning against the tree. His eyes were weary, and his face looked the worst among us. He was too pale. It took a moment for Onyx to notice I was calling him. He seemed lost, staring blankly at the dancing leaves of the narra.

"H-hey...yes?" he stammered, walking over to us.

"I know this isn't much,," I said, handing him the money we had earned. His face brightened, though I could see a hint of hesitation. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Do I really deserve this? I mean...I don't know how, but...thank you, guys," he replied, his voice shaky. His eyes glistened with tears, but he managed a small smile.

Carl and Jameson patted his shoulder, Jeff gave him a soft clap and smile, and Walter flashed his usual pretty smile. We were genuinely happy to help a friend in need.

"Here," I insisted, pressing the money into his hands. He hesitated, but I persisted. "You deserve this. I know it's not a lot, but we can still keep our business running next weekend, right guys?" I said, looking at the group.

Their eyes lit up with excitement and hope.

"I'm in," Jameson declared.

"Jameson's in, so I am too," Walter added, and the rest of us nodded in agreement.

"Count me in too," Carl said, and Jeff raised his hand, saying, "Me too."

Onyx's face brightened, his eyes sparkling with tears. I gave him a soft smile and ruffled his hair.

"See? We're all in. We can get through this," I assured him, and my friends echoed my words.

"Guys, I don't know how to repay you, but...this is too much, and I'm really thankful for you all," Onyx's voice broke as he fought back tears. We cheered him up with comforting smiles.

Up close, Onyx looked even worse. His usually red lips were turning pale pink, his eyes were slightly red with dark circles, and his skin looked dry.

I placed my palm on his forehead to check if he was okay. He felt a little warmer than usual, but I shrugged it off.

"Are you okay?" I asked as we walked to the university's covered court to watch the culture and arts presentation.

There wasn't much class today due to university activities. Carl and Jeff were headed to watch the sports competition, while Jameson and Walter were off to Arnis training.

It took Onyx nearly two minutes to answer my question. I sensed something was wrong. He could barely walk properly and was trembling slightly, which made me anxious.

"Hmm? Yes...n-no worries. I'm all good," he replied, but I could tell he was lying.

"You're lying," I said, stopping in my tracks and grabbing his hand, making him stop too. "You're working overnight, right?"

He nodded softly. "I need more money, Ymar," he said, his eyes misty. "I need to pay off our debt. If I don't, I don't know what will happen to my father."

His words hit me hard. He was really suffering and enduring so much. I could feel his pain, and I wished I could lend him the huge amount of money he needed.

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