Chapter 12: So Unfair

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A night with him under the romantic yet melancholic starry sky was more than I could have ever expected. It's a memory that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

I still can't fully process that the person I love is fighting for his life without knowing who his real enemy is. It breaks my heart to think that one day, maybe one day, I might lose him. But I believe there's always another star willing to give its life so another can shine, and I am willing to be that star for him.

Onyx is still in the hospital, and two days have passed. According to the doctor, he needs to stay for further checks and assessments of his condition.

Onyx didn't want to stay in the hospital because, according to him, he has many responsibilities in life. He needs to work to support his father. It makes me really sad that despite his current situation, he still thinks of his father. I pity him.

"Are you going to visit him later?" Jameson asked while sitting on the bench under the lush narra tree.

I can't stop thinking about him. Even at night, a night after we gazed at the stars, I can barely sleep. My mind keeps racing with thoughts of what might happen if I fall asleep. I'm afraid.

"Yes. I will. I miss him," I replied to Jameson. I leaned against the narra tree, watching its dancing leaves.

Jameson smiled at me. "I think we should visit him too. Maybe after class. What do you think, Carl?" Jameson asked.

"That's a good idea. Honestly, I miss Onyx's silent yet engaging presence. I want to see him too," Carl agreed.

I gave them a small smile, and they smiled back. I know they feel what I'm feeling now. They're really concerned about me, and they keep telling me to take care of myself too because Onyx wouldn't be happy seeing me exhausted from everything.

We were dismissed at three in the afternoon. Before visiting Onyx, I went home first. We had agreed to meet at the grocery store near the school.

When I got home, I immediately took a shower and changed into a white sleeveless top and black shorts. I wore my hiking sandals and brought a hoodie with me.

I arrived at the grocery store, our meeting place, at four o'clock. Since they hadn't arrived yet, I decided to buy some fruit for Onyx. I know it's not much, but I want to give him something that might help him regain his strength.

A few minutes later, Carl and Jameson arrived together, looking sad. They seemed frustrated and heartbroken, maybe.

"Hey buddy, shall we go?" Jameson said first. He sounded lively, but I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"What's wrong with you guys? Why do you look so down?" I asked them.

"We broke up," Carl said. "It's not a big deal now, bud. What matters right now is Onyx's health. So, come on," Carl added. He tried to project a positive aura, but deep down, I knew he was in pain.

"Me too, we broke up. I mean... whatever," Jameson said and got into the car first, I know he's in pain but Jameson is the person I know that makes everything feel happy even if not.

I followed, and we drove to the hospital where Onyx was confined.

They both sat in the backseat without speaking. They seemed troubled. Silence enveloped us as we drove to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, both of them seemed energized and lively. I knew they didn't want to give Onyx a negative impression. Indeed, my friends are good and understanding. I love them for that. They didn't want to bring their negative energy with them.

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