~chapter 1~

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"Baby," Han said, shaking Minho's arm. His head was thrown over the back of the couch with Sua lying in his lap, toys scattered all around them. "Minho," he continued to call, shaking him a little harder, not trying to wake Sua.

Minho's body gently shook as he started to wake. He heard Hans' muffled laugh and his hand gently rubbing his arm. "Did I fall asleep??" He lowly said, pulling his head up to him.

"Uh Huh," Han continued laughing as Minho leaned up. "I'll put her in her room," he softly said, picking her up from his lap. Remembering to grab the little stuffed elephant that she couldn't sleep without. Her room was just off the living room. The only one downstairs in their 3-bedroom house. He held her in his arms, stepping over the piles of more scattered toys covering her floor. He lightly placed her on her bed, pulled the covers, tucked it tightly around her, and leaned down to kiss her goodnight.

"DaDa," she quietly spoke, her voice small as her tiny fingers pulled on his shirt.

"Yes, baby girl,"

"Can read me," she softly spoke, still barely awake.

"Of course," he smiled at her, walking over to the little bookcase by the door. Bending down to select a book, struggling to find one they haven't read before. Eventually, settling on one and excitedly walking back over to her. They both loved story time. They practically did it every night. Han adored reading to her. He loved how excited she got for the pictures. The excitement in her voice, watching her eyes light up when she pointed out something she knew.

She especially loved hearing new stories every night and having her daddy read them to her. She'd snuggle up to him instantly, just like now, as Han climbed into the bed with her, lying her head on his stomach. He re-tucked her in before starting to read. She instantly engaged in the story from the moment he read the title, coming up with a million questions for each page, which he never got tired of.

It was surprising how she always managed to stay awake. She didn't want to miss any of the story, but somehow, she always fell asleep right after. "The end," he quietly said, closing the book and setting it beside him. "You're still awake," he softly said, brushing his hands through her hair. She nodded her head as her hand gently rubbed his stomach.

"DaDa," she softly spoke.


"My little brother," she said, still circling his stomach.

"What??" he asked, thinking he misheard her. "Sua, what did you say??" he asked again after her lack of response. Realizing she had fallen asleep when her hand stopped moving, he laughed it off as he gently got out of bed, leaving her alone. Again, he kissed her goodnight before leaving the room, turning off the light, and leaving the door slightly open.

"Babe, you won't believe what-" he started to say before looking up, seeing Minho in the kitchen washing dishes. "You don't have to clean if you're tired. I'll do it," he said, walking over to him.

"I can't sleep knowing it's dirty," Minho said lowly, still washing the dishes.

"Let me see, I'll do it," he said, taking the sponge out of his hand. "Let me," he added, knowing he would argue.

"Fine," he said, willingly letting him clean. "What won't I believe??" he said, grabbing a paper towel from behind them to dry his hands.

"Oh, Sua. It's nothing, I'll tell you in the morning," he playfully laughed.

He hummed, throwing the paper in the trash before he started upstairs for their shared bedroom. "Jisung," he sighed, running his hand through his hair when he turned on the light. Their bed filled with papers and books and little party-planning items. For Sua's birthday, which he'd been planning for months, and it was apparent in the collection he'd built.

He carefully pushed a few of the papers aside, trying to find a small space for him to sit. Trying not to disrupt his process too much. He curiously picked up one of the books he had laid out, animal-themed supplies. He laughed as he flipped through, finding red circles covering every inch of the pages. He loved knowing how much Sua would love every single thing that was circled. He flipped a few more pages, similarly covered in red marking before setting it down and picking up another booklet on desserts.

The book was open to a page on different pudding desserts. He smiled, not missing the little note 'he would love this' next to one of the circled choices, knowing Han was referring to him. He looked at the door, seeing Han entering mumbling under his breath.

"Omg, I'm so sorry," Han said as he hurried towards him, sitting in a small area surrounded by papers. "I should've picked this up," he continued frantically, starting to pile his collection together.

"Hannie, it's okay," he laughed, setting the book in his lap. "You did a really good job planning this. She's gonna love it."

"I hope so," Han said, still a little worried. He turned to put the formed pile on the dresser in front of the bed. He needed it to be perfect, but he doubted every decision.

"You have to go over everything with me tomorrow," Minho said to Han as he wrapped around the bed to his side.

"I promise I will," Han said, sitting on the edge. He took out his earrings and unlatched his necklace, placing both on his nightstand before swinging his legs over and climbing under the covers. He quickly kissed Minho before pushing his back against his chest, knowing he would instantly wrap his hands around his waist.

"I love you," Minho softly whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek and burying his face in his neck. "She's gonna love it."

Baby Sua || MinhoxJisungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon