~chapter 7~

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"Omg, Felix," Han panicked, moving his hand around his back to hold him up.

"Lixie!!" Changbin yelled, turning to face them.

"L-Laugh," Felix frantically said to Han, still hovering over. "Please pretend to laugh for... for me," he stuttered through his pleading voice. Han did as he asked, starting to laugh loudly, being a little overdramatic, but he panicked just as much. "Changbin, I'm okay," he tried to assure, hearing the fear in his voice. Hoping to God, he didn't hear the shakiness of his.

"Changbin, it's okay," Chan softly said, patting his shoulder. Changbin was hesitant. He wanted to get out and run to him, but he didn't. He signed as he turned his attention back to baby Yejun.

"Is he looking?" Felix softly asked Han, who turned softly to check. Everybody returned to their playing.

"No," he replied as they started walking again, finally reaching the door.

Felix regained his composure, pulling himself back up and looking down as he rubbed his stomach. Taking a deep breath as they furthered into the house. "He worries too damn much," he laughed.

"I'm worried too," Han said confusedly, not understanding why he was laughing. "Those can't be contractions, right?? It's too early."

"No, Hannie, it's just a cramp. I promise I'm fine," he softly smiled at him. "The doctor said it was normal for me to feel these sudden sharp pains. They do hurt like a bitch" he annoyingly said as he held his underbelly. Han laughed at his choice of words, him supposedly being the cute, innocent one.

"But I really need to pee, so come on," he urged as he continued walking towards Hyunjin's bathroom. "Why is this house so fucking big," he irritatingly said, still walking, navigating through the seemingly endless hallway.

"Felix, relax, it's right there." Han laughed at his impatience, remembering exactly how it felt. Felix whined as he opened the door and went in. Han closed the door, waiting for him outside.

"Dahee and Dayeon," he said, resting his back on the wall. "They're literally the cutest names," he said honestly.

"I was really set on the Da, and then they just hit us," Felix replied on the other side as he finished, all that pressure for just a few seconds. He flushed the toilet and turned on the water to wash his hands.

"Sua, Yejun, Dahee, and Dayeon," Hannie said, opening the door, staring at Felix through the mirror.

"Don't you start crying again," he laughed as he turned off the water, not caring as he dried his hands off on the unnecessary fancy towel hanging behind him.

"I won't," Han said, biting his lip as he stepped out of the bathroom, turning off the light after Felix.

"Han, I know you don't want to hear this," Felix started to say, looping his arm back around his. "But is there any chance you could be pregnant??" Felix asked carefully, trying not to upset him.

"I mean, of course, there's a chance," he said without thinking much about it until he heard Felix snickering. "Wait, I mean," he sheepishly said, raising his hand to his head, his face immediately burning red from embarrassment.

"I promise you I have no room to talk," Felix laughed as he pulled his hand from his face. "Do you want to find out??" he asked curiously.


"Well, I doubt Hyunjin has any tests lying around. We all know Jeongin wraps it up," he playfully laughed, and Han couldn't help but laugh with him. It was so true they all knew it. "But I might have one in my car. My dumb ass bought like 20 of them when I found out I was pregnant," he said as they stopped in the living room, needing a break as Han helped him sit down on the couch. He let out a deep sigh as he sunk into the material. He can't lie; it was extremely comfortable.

"If you're showing symptoms, then you're probably far enough for the test to pick up on," he continued.

"Symptoms??" Han questioned, still not connecting the dots that Felix had already figured out.

"Well, the sickness is most likely morning sickness. I've noticed you've been highly emotional and..." He stopped, afraid to say the last thing.


"...and your cheeks are a little rounder," he softly smiled, raising his hand to them.

"I knew I was gaining weight," he exclaimed, remembering what he looked like in the mirror this morning.

"It's not a bad thing," Felix quickly added, noticing his displeased face. "Your cheeks have always been round. Where do you think Sua gets it from."

"Omg, Felix, I'm pregnant," Han said in disbelief, pulling his hand from his cheek and gripping it tightly with both hands. Now that Felix had spelled it out for him, it was hard for him to deny; it was as clear as day.

"Well, we can't be too sure without a proper test," Felix continued, not sure if he was happy or sad about the assumed news. ~~

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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