link click characters take pure meth

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xiaoshi walked into the bedroom, on the desk there was something that looked as if it could be ice. he picked it up and crunched on it, what an iron deficient fag! he thought it was a little strange, but didnt think much of it. later he was (obviously) making out with lu guang! what cute little ching chongs! he started humping him excitedly like a dog, he was almost jumping up and down. cute jack the jumper, too bad if jack jumped. just like chen bin. splat!! woopsies. cheng xiaoshi seemed overly joyful now, could it be that it was, infact, not ice for the iron deficient? he started seizing, almost as if he was actually having an epileptic seizure. he started running around the shop, jumping up and down as if he was dodging a skipping rope.

lu guang stopped cheng xiaoshi, pulling him in by his waist and looking at him. cxs spat at him - some of the ice he hadnt eaten going into lu guangs mouth - which lu then swallowed by accident. it was barely any, but lu guang started becoming calmer then usual - except he was looking around as if everything was out to get him. cheng xiaoshi knocked over a pencil, and lu guang jumped away from it as if it had a knife. flash backs might i say? it would be a shame if qiao ling suddenly appeared! lucky for you she did, "a guest has arrived!" their motion censor chirped.

lu guang saw qiao ling, his vision appearing between normal and the night when qiao ling had been possessed and stabbed him in the stomach. he backed up into a corner, suddenly crouching down and rocking back and forth - almost like a mental patient! so cute. the weird thing was, he started whispering 'get these fags away from me..!!!' and doing the jesus christ cross symbolism prayer.

qiao ling looked at both cheng xiaoshi and lu guang in disgust, spitting on the floor - which strangely xiaoshi licked up? he was acting like a dog afterall! qiao ling walked into the kitchen, planning to ignore the both of them and get a drink. there was some 'ice' in the freezer - which she put into her drink. it was small pieces so it was almost as if you were crunching on a normal piece of ice. a lesbian craving something hard? as if. i dont believe it, but she ate all the ice! i.. i dont think that was normal ice..!!

qiao ling got bored, scrolling on her phone and opening wechat. she sent a voice recording to xu shanshan - suddenly meowing! aww, such a good kitty. she started saying "the voices! the voices!" and then purred. suddenly she started looking around frantically, jumping up and running out of the store. maybe that meth awoke her true therian.

xu shanshan got the voice message, seeming stumped! not like she hasnt seen a stump before, go ask dong yi im sure hes familiar with a stump. not like theres anything going for him there. or maybe he does, because that personality sure isnt doing 10 inches in. shanshan got up, and went to find dong yi to show him the weird message, suddenly she jumped - feeling something stub her toe and then her foot landed on something! a bag of crystal meth!!! just the right thing. she picked it up and started inhaling some of the fumes - it was already enough for her. she looked around, "hey! you, are you a lesbian?" "uhh.. no? i have a bf." "are you sure? you look like a lesbian with them thick ahh thighs. dont skibidi me." "i-im not!! im sigma.." she stared at the wall for a good 10 seconds. "GYATT REVEAL!!! or im about to fanum tax you. your such a mc skibidi joke."

li tianchen was sitting in mr GYATTTTT!!!!'s lap. aka qian jin?! it was real snug and comfy. suddenly, tianchen got up quickly, jumping off and running to the kitchen. qian jin was startled, but looked over to see what he was doing. tianchen looked out the window, seeing the delivery truck and sprinted outside. so skibidi. it'd arrived. honorary mention Kaveh, from the hit RPG Free to Play game Genshin impact by Hoyoverse/MiHoyo, for delivering the meth. this time it was powder. li tianchen quickly rushed inside, getting his grape ramune and meth - and little purple popping candies! he quickly mixed it in, chugging it down and then leaving some in his mouth, kissing the gyatt rizzler and forcing the liquid down his throat. this is what tianchen had been waiting for, the whole reason he got together with qian jin in the first place. to feed him drink-able grape ramune meth! with added popping candy. so intimate.

awhile later tianchen started throwing up, and seeing imaginations of li tianxi. he started crying, and throwing up. the tears and vomit mixed together - while this was happening qian jin was humping a pillow - pretending it was xiao li. he didnt wish to admit it, but he really liked getting beat up by xiao li. he'd scream out captain xiao more!! if he could, but thatd just be really faggot-core. he started thinking about xiao ma, which made him angy wangy! he got so pent up his huge, girthy thrusting cock broke the pillow! god, i really do love qian jin. he came all over the wooden table, god thats gonna stain. though li tianchen was still throwing up, he felt like he was required to lick up the cum - so he did and qian jin looked at him with a smirk.

god, i love link click. and meth.

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