Chapter V: Year I [Part III]

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"So you mean to tell me that YOU stopping the LITERAL moon from hitting Earth was because of some fight you had with a popular Witch-chick!?" It was Winter break. The students of Luna Nova were allowed to go to their said countries to spend the holidays with family and friends. Owen returned to the city of Owlsville. He was supposed to meet with his family first, but he decided to check on his friends, Mako, Bolin and Korra. Once the group got together, they decided to hang out at Owlsville park, where Owen told them what had happened during his adventures after getting his GED. "You better thank GOD you're built different." Said Korra, angry and yet relieved that Owen was able to save the day and himself. "Otherwise someone would've been buried and somebody would be doing the BURYING of those bastardous witches. And by Somebody, I mean me. I'd buried those Witch-bitches in a heartbeat for costing me my friend."

"Calm down Korra." Said Owen, "I'm not telling you this so you can blow a gasket. Besides, it's over with now-"

"How did you even end up in this mess to begin with!?"

"I already told you how. I wanted to travel the world." Said Owen, "To do that I needed to get a GED, which I did. It's not like I didn't wanna to go to high school and hang out with you, Mako or Bolin. I wanted to. But...I just saw that high school life was boring at best and unbearable at worst."

"Well...He's not wrong." Said Bolin. "But you did missed out on some crazy shit."

"What did you do?"

"He fell in love with Korra's cousin, who was a transfer student from the North Waterlands." Said Mako, "But she killed that relationship because she was too controlling and Bolin wasn't man enough to stand up to her."

"And you just...LET that happen to your little brother?" Asked Oshua

"Hey, Korra and I tried to tell him that the bitch was crazy. I told him to never stick his pickle in crazy. Which he ALMOST did and ALMOST got expelled."

"WHAT!?" Owen was shocked, like a father stumbling into his son's room and seeing him watching *entia.

"We were in the heat of the moment!" Said Bolin. "Besides, she was horny and I was horny."

"Thankfully we convinced the principal NOT to kick his stupid ass out of school." Said Korra. "Now back to you," She said to Owen, "A Witch Academy? Really?"

"I told you it wasn't my idea." Said Owen

"Sounds like it was." Korra said in a jealous tone

"Where is all of this coming from!?" Owen asked, "Is there something you wanna say to me?!"

"When I'm ready to tell you, I will!" Korra said, pouting and turning away from Owen.

"Should I drop some hints to help him out or..."

Korra glares from the side at Bolin.

"Then again, maybe not." Bolin replied hastily.

"So tell us about this Girl you met, the one who started all of this...What was her name?" Asked Mako

"Can we talk about something else, other than that, please?" Asked Korra

"Well...Asami's not going to meet us for another 10 minutes...So...Yeah, tell us about...What's her name again?"

"I am THIS close to setting you on fire, Mako." Korra growled.

"Hold on, who's Asami?" Asked Owen

"Oh...You don't know do you!?" Said Bolin, "Korra and Mako have broken up!"

"WHAT!?" This news shocked Owen, "WHY!?"

"Well...How should I put this?" Said Mako, "Korra and I are very different. And in the past, Asami and I did date. I didn't tell Korra this because Asami wanted to break up with me so she could handle some personal issues. Asami told me that I was free to date whoever I wanted. So I dated Korra, which you yourself already know."

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