Chapter IVX: Prelude to Year III

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Traveling through the ley lines is what Led Owen back to West England, Europe. From there, he returned home. "Ah...Owlsville..." Owen took in the fresh air of his home, along with the fresh burgers that were cooked to perfection at Owlsville's Burgers and Shakes. "I missed you alot." He said, "I can take a stroll around the city, see what's changed. Shouldn't be no longer than a few minutes. Owen didn't know how much had changed since he'd been attending Luna Nova. For one: His favorite Comic book shop had moved to Clarksville. Two: His favorite Music shop was going out of business. Three: His old Elementary School had become a Middle school and his middle school became a High School. There were so many changes that Owen wished he could have seen take place. But he had to travel the world.

Looking back at everything he went through, the 14 year old pondered if traveling the world was a good idea. He didn't know why...But he felt as though he was living in someone's shadow. But whose Shadow was he living under? Maybe his parents could solve that mystery for him-

"Owen!?" Turning his body after hearing his name called, Owen met Bolin and a girl he'd never seen before on Owlsville and Downtown Ln. "Owen!" Bolin rushes towards the boy and hugs him tightly. "It's been too long buddy! It's good to see you!"

Owen just patted Bolin on his back. "Nice to see you again too." He said, "Please tell me She who must not be named is here with you?"

"Hm?" Bolin asked, "Korra? Nah, It's just me and my new main squeeze." He introduced Owen to his girlfriend, Opal Higurashi, "Opal, this is my good friend, Owen Oshua. Owen, this is my new Girlfriend, Opal Higurashi."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Owen Oshua." Opal bows

"It's nice to meet you too." Said Owen after Bolin lets him go. "Hey...Where's Akko?" He asked because the last time he saw Owen, he brought Akko with him to introduce to his friends.

"Akko and I...Are done." Owen said, showing signs of venom in his voice when he said her name.

"...She cheated on you...Didn't she?" Bolin asked

"..." Owen nodded. "By the way, Gohan told me that you and the others wanted to help my siblings out back during Halloween." He said, "I'm glad you guys listened to Gohan. I wasn't in the right state of mind. Had you guys saw me, I might have done something I would have regretted."

"It wasn't my idea." Said Bolin, "It was Korra's. The minute she sensed your energy, she got us together in order to find you so we could help you."

"I figured." Said Owen, "...How is she?"

"Well..." Bolin rubbed the back of his head, "She had a child with Mako. Same with Asami. But even then, she's still dead set on changing your mind about being in a relationship with her."

"That can't happen." Said Owen, without stuttering or a second thought, "It can NEVER happen. I told her that this would happen. This was the reason why I rejected her feelings for me."

"I know." Bolin sighed. "I just don't understand women like her, how can she say one thing but do something different?"

"Actions display a person's motives, not their words." Said Owen, "Anyways, it was nice seeing you again. Have fun with whatever you have going on with Opal. And...Don't tell Korra that you saw me or tell her about anything that happened at Luna Nova recently. Okay?"

"Sure." Said Bolin, "My lips are sealed."

"Thanks Bolin." Owen smiled, his voice breaking as though he wanted to cry on his longtime Friend's shoulder. But he couldn't. He had to be strong. He had to overcome the pain that was slowly breaking him.

It was one of the main reasons why he was back home until his Third Year at Luna Nova began. Healing could come from many places. But from home? Home is where Owen could heal and deal with the trauma he endured over the last couple of months. Owlsville City shared one trait with Owen, and that was learning and growing, becoming something more. Something that could be, possibly, unbreakable.

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