Chapter VI: Year I [Part IV]

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Now what did Gohan and the other older siblings of Owen Oshua look like? Gohan Oshua looked exactly like Dragon Ball's Gohan. The one from the History of Trunks, except he wasn't missing an arm. Gohan rocked the same hair-style as Future Gohan. Gohan was studying martial arts and using it as a means of helping underdogs unlock their hidden potential, supposedly helping them to defend themselves and their hometowns if need be.

Erica was a tall woman that taught chemistry in college. She was a beautiful woman that had lively long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She always trained, which explained her goddess physique that she displayed whenever she wore jeans or Tank-tops during the summer months.

Serenity's appearance looked exactly like Serenity from Sailor Moon. If Sailor moon had Brownish Orange skin. She had short blonde hair and emerald green eyes like her sister and older brother. She was also a basketball player for the WNBA.

And then there was...Dean. Dean Oshua was exactly like Dean Winchester. He chose the profession of hunting monsters and supernatural forces. He has done it on his own since he turned 14 and has hunted down monsters for 12 years. As a 26 year old man, he refuses to allow Owen take part in hunting down monsters because that wasn't his calling. And he cared deeply for his younger brother enough to not drag him into something he wouldn't want to do anyway. Dean stood around 5'9 while his siblings each stood around 6'3 to 6'1.

These were Owen's older siblings. His younger siblings, Cade and Caleb were both 7 years old. They both had long blonde hair but Cade had his hair put into locks in order to tell the twins apart. With that being said about Owen's brothers and sisters, let's talk about his mother Omara. Omara was an elegant goddess of a woman who was an alien. She came from a race called the Elementals. She rocked Jet black Hair and Emerald Green Eyes. She was taller than her husband and father of Owen and his siblings, standing around at least 7 ½ feet tall and built in such a way that the women of Owlsville grew incredibly envious. Owen's father, Carter Oshua, descended from the Oshua bloodline. His bloodline was a mysterious one, with the only knowledge he had that the bloodline existed in Tawaii, Carter's island home before he traveled to Owlsville, where he met his loving wife, Omara. Carter's height was around 6'7. He was average looking to many but incredibly handsome to Omara. He was built like Spiderman but had the strength, speed, agility and wisdom of Shazam and the Hulk. He rocked Emerald hazel eyes and short blonde hair.

Now with that out of the way, after everything dealing with Cinder was concluded for now, Owen made sure that Mako, Bolin and Korra were alright. "We're fine Owen," Korra said, "You don't have to worry about us-"

"But I was." Said Owen, "Especially for you." That made Korra lightly fluster.

"Y-Y-You were?" Korra stuttered

"Yeah. I thought I was going to lose you. If you only knew how much you matter to me." Said Owen, meaning that from his heart.

'I wish I could tell you that too.' Korra thought, 'If only I could.' "Well you didn't." She grinned. "So don't worry. And if any of those witches give you a hard time at that magical school of hell, don't be shy about it, lemme know."

"I'll think about it." Owen knew Korra's temper, so telling her about dilemmas at Luna Nova that he could handle on his own was out of the question.

"Let's Go, Lover Boy!" Dean teased, "We got christmas decs to put up!"

Serenity slaps Dean over the head. "Will You Stop!?" She said, "You're embarrassing him."

"Gohan!" Dean called, "Serenity Hit Me!"

"Probably because you'd deserve it." Said Gohan, rolling his eyes. "Come on Owen. Let's go."

"Okay." Said Owen, leaving with his siblings to head back to the house.

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