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              Sage POV
              It was thundering like crazy that night. The clouds and lighting were battling together. It was pitch black outside. All you can see was brightness every second the lighting strikes the ground.It would seem scary for most people. Believing that the gods are fighting.
              But it was a beauty to see. The spark was glory to witness. Every crash you see, you get a small glimp of color hit the harsh foggy sky. The sun has just gone down and the darkness, shadow the horizon.
              I couldn't stop starring at the window. The sky was amazing. You don't get to witness this kind of beauty every day, nor every year or so.
              You couldn't even hear my scream. From the pain I was feeling. All over my body, I felt claws from the inside. It felt like my body was going through it own kind of battle. Full agony ripping through me. Giving birth is not a easy thing. But the pain is meant to be worth once the first cry rips through their lungs.
              " Everything is gonna be okay Sage." A nurse say as I was taken away from my train of thought.  "Ohh i'm not worry." Returning my gaze to the window. Watching the beauty unfold.
              I had a gift Mental Manipulation. I can manipulate other minds. Which mean, I can make other think something on my free will. I can make them believe things that hasn't happen. I can even make them forget things too. It came in handle in many ways.
              In my coven I had use my gift for all good reason. It helps when we are with enemies lines and have to get by safely. Even with meeting with them I had convince them we have equal land. But our coven hold one of the largest lands.
              We do keep to our self to avoid disagreement with the elders. We don't go out to the human world anymore. It had became too dangerous.
              But after a few months ago, I been working on a way to get everyone on board to allow us to be see among with the humans. Just have to board up some rule for when we are around them. Keeping the children safe.
              It will also keep us safe and expanse our coven and magic more. Our future will be the young ones and we need them to see more than our's to be the next powerful witches.
              After a resting minutes, the sharp tender pain came back. These cramps I will feel started from my pelvis but hit every nerve in my body. I arch my back and clap my fist at the pain running through my spin.
              I look at my sweet husband Caden face. Smiling through his worry's. He was my charming prince, recuse me from any danger. But this was one thing he couldn't save me from. We were in the coven's clinic for hours now. And the pain just seem to gotten worse.
              "Sage are you sure you don't want anything for the pain?" The clinic nurse asked.
  "No no, I made a choice to take it natural. I want my girl's to come out with out any help from any kind of medicine." Grinding my teeth together as I hold in the pain.
  "Okay, well it's almost time. I will grab the doctor". Walking out the room to retreat the doctor for the girl's birth.
           I was one of the most strongest witches in our coven. And I fought many battles with many blood on my hands. Just to be on top. Growing up I came with nothing. My own family was weak. They let their self to show their enemies their weak side and thats what got them kill. They all died. WEAK! From there on I vow to show no one my weak side. For that will be the day I die.
              I take my breathing skilling and inhale and exhale through each concretion I felt. I knew since I met my dear Caden I wanted us to cherish this moment together. Taken in ever second of our miracle.
              "You hear that baby, our girls will be here soon. And we will finally be a family." Caden holding my hand tightly. His touch soothes every pain ever so lightly.
              If I wasn't in love with him before. Just this moment, the ocean blue eyes of his. I fall in love with him now.I just smile and nod at my dear husbands face as every pain seem to be getting closer and closer together now. I would barely get a chance to breath willing.
              Caden holds my hands with sweet gentle touch. With every pain that spang through my nerves to crash my skins. I squeeze my grip. But Caden doesn't mind it. As Caden gift (Hercules strength) from the ancestors was strength of a 100 men.
              It fits Caden very nice as he physique was build tall and muscular with a light skin tan. Prefect dark blonde hair with green eyes. He was build just like a god.
              That what everyone calls him anyways. And with me on his arms, they would call me his true goddess.I was tall and slim, my skin was a cream coat with light blonde hair touching near the too of my butt.
              But with Caden gift he relies on more of a combat battle. Which is no problem with him as he has never lost a battle ever. But I remind him to not neglected his magic as one day he will need it and he may not be as strong to handle the forces. Staying on top with your magic is a very high key. We all must stay on top. Be strong no matter what.
              He always say that would never happen, but cross my fingers someone finds a way to weakness his strength durning battles and he is not strong enough to call on the magic of the ancestors to help him.
              Caden pride and ego was his main weak point. I alway a fear for him, that he will let it get in the way of his life one day. And now with two girls in our world. I fear even more, as he will show his weakness to the world when it came down to our daughters life in danger.
              This was one reason I always had to step up in my coven and prove to everyone. That no matter what you think of your gift and power. Our's and to others, weakness it self will always win a battle. You can not show no mercy what so ever. If you are weak and down on your knees. So are the rest of us. And we can't have that. I won't allow it.
              I have to take lead for my cavern and family when it come down to it. And I been preparing for this my whole life. Our union needed my strength. And my stubborn Caden will not change his ego no matter what. He does his ever so best at my side. I am lucky to call him my mate and partner.
              For this I would have to train my girls to step up and be strong. For it is them whom will lead our coven to a better future. And if any of them show weakness. I would teach them the consequences they would face from it.The world is not butterflies and rainbows. It's not a movie or tv show. It is weak and brave. The strongest one will always win. Crumbling the weak ones in their hands as they bleed out. Gasping for their last breath.
              I look over at the machines monitoring, my girls and mine heart rate. I was able to see how clam my girls are. Even with me dawning in pain and anxious to push them out and hold them in my arms. Wishing to see their cute witchy faces fir the first time.
              I awaited this moment to be a mother for years. To raise two strong witches for our coven to adore. To bring more to this world.
              *door opening*
              "Okay Sage lets check how far you gotten in the few hours." The Coven's Doctor.I lay my head back and bend my legs. Allowing the doctor to have full excess to exam my dilation. My heart race a million miles as wait for the doctor to tell me it time to push. My back arch in pain and a small tear fell down my check as i feel the doctor check my cervix. Caden never letting go of my hand. Use one to brush my hair back as whisper the most lovest things to me.
              "Okay Sage you are at 10cm now. Are you ready to start pushing." The doctor look up at me with questionable eyes."Yes i'm ready." I had the biggest smile on my face. This it, this is the moment i will become a mother. And my Caden will be the prefect father to our dear girls. I can see you all already. Their first millstone as baby's. They millstones as young witches. Watching them practice their magic and then at their 16th birthday's they will be given their own special gift from the ancestors. Those were the most memorable times i want for my girls.
              "Okay Sage push and hold for 10 seconds." The doctor instructed me through the birth.  "Aahhhhh." 10 second long. Gosh every second felt like forever." You got this Sage." Caden cheer for me.
              After a few more rounds of pushing and i felt a huge relief of a pop. I was sweating like crazy with the adrenaline running wild. My heart was beating so fast it could jump right out of my chest.
              * a baby cry*
              Then every worry, every fear, every blister of a pain. Was wash aways as i hear her cry. The joy of motherhood over came me the second she took in her first breath of this world. "Good job mom, a beautiful baby girl." Cutting the umbilical cord.
              I glance at Caden as my lamp back with full body relief. Caden eyes widen with proudness. He look over to me and kiss my forehead with full love. The doctor wrap the baby up and hands her to me. She was beautiful even with all the nasty bloody junk on her. She was beautiful.
              "I love you Sage, thank you for gifting our family this beautiful girl." Cadens words made a another tear drip down my cheek.
              It just had to be all the hormones running through me. I didn't feel like my self this while pregnancy. As two little one kick and flip and even fought inside me. I had to cast a spell to settle them down or at least make the pain less harsh. I didn't want to be bed resting. Again that would be a sign of weakness. If another coven would of heard about it. We would of been attack and i don't how i could of fought with my condition.
              *baby cooing*
              I allow this sweet baby girl to hold my finger as we take advantage of the moment. I knew at any second the nurse will take her away from me. But i just wanted to watch her for a bit longer.
              I watch as she try to open her eyes but she seem too tired. Then the voices of the nurses and doctors busted through our happy bubble. "Okay mom and dad. We have to take baby for her testing's and get ready for baby number two." The doctor speak as she set up for the next baby to arrive.
              "Goodbye sweet angel." Given my daughter a kiss on the hand as the nurse grabs her from me."Alright Sage, same thing again okay"nodding her head at me.This time i was completely ready. I had already done this once with flying colors. I can do it again.
              "And push Sage push!!" I do as the doctor tell me to.I grab the sheets of bed i sit in as this was stronger then that last time. But i keep pulling through it. Just do as the doctor says and push.
              Time went by and again we had another baby girl in our arms. Life couldn't get any better then the first hour you spent with your babies."Sage you did a prefect with them. I'm proud of you. And i can't wait for the girls to see how amazing their mother is" Caden lending his head against mine. As i held one baby and he held the other.
              Both girls came as healthy as they can be. With powerful witch blood running through their veins. I am certain they will take our coven to great measures.Being a mother was perfect and up to this moment I choice to be strong for my whole family. I have my coven, my husband, and now my girls to show how strong i am.
            And I would do whatever i have to do to keep this strength uphold. There is no mercy for those whom show weakness.Too many people relies on me now. I can  not let anyone down. So on this day i will pledge to be even more strong then ever.
            The world will never see the day Sage Marshall lower her guard for nothing and no one.
  Liv POV
              That the story my mother as always told me and Meredith about our birth. How on one stormy night. It Let her to her greatest love ones. The birth of her twins.
              Little did both twins know that one will be loved more than the other.I always try so much to live up to my parents dream of a powerful witch. But i always seem to fail them. There we're rare cases, when i didn't get yelled out for not doing a spell right. Or not getting it at all.This furious my parents, mainly mother.
              I was young but with having a sister who was like a golden child. In both my mother and fathers view side. She was seen a good child and i was not. How can I live up to that? How can i even beginning to better my self when i am reminded how disappointment my parents are of me.
          I was just a child at the time. I had so much to live for. So much more to give to others, my coven, family, mainly my mother. I wanted to make her proud of me. I just wanted to hear her say those words. At least just once.
              Mother always reminded me how a witch can only be a witch, if she perform magic. And only then at her/his 18 th birthday they shall receive a special gift.
              She has told me that if i don't do better. The ancestors with shun me. And i would be cast out. Not having the chance to be a witch.All i ever wanted was to be a great and powerful witch just like my family. I wanted to be apart of my coven.But if i don't do better, i won't ever get that chance.
              And she will not have a mortal living in the coven, and not as her as her daughter.Having a child born a witch and not acceding will be a weak point. For her, our family, and our coven people.And she will not allow that to be.  She will died or kill the weak link before allowing her enemies to have this knowledge.
              I fear everyday, that i may be the weak link. What will mother and father do to me?Would i even get a chance to see the world as a fellow witch?But hey, i'm getting ahead of my self here.Let start from the beginning of all of this.
              Hi I'm Liv Marshall, one of the Sage Marshall's twin daughters. And i am soon to be a witch.
              I hope so, at least.

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