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    Everything was a disaster! Liv had the audacity to think she can talk to me like that. Just because she was showed a little love. Ha, it was a joke. She was a joke. There no way her little wolf boyfriend will stay any longer now. Being around a coven is not approve for most parks. "He's an alpha and she just. Ha she just Liv." I snarl.
    I had already made a perfectly good deal for her life.Something that will come in good hands in the future. It be so good for everyone to have her marry Perry. His family is rich and very respected in all communities. "She'll learn to obey again. Even if I have to teach her the hard way again." I fix myself up and insure my little brooch straighten right.
    I went through my jounarl to write down my thoughts. Setting up my plans as High Priestess. Looking back, I watch as crowds of people welcome Liv back. As if forgetting how a disappointment she was growing up. "Simply a joke." I couldn't stand it. Her disrespect and her failure again.
    "It was all she was good for FAILURE." I snapped. "It was one thing she brought that wolf. But those humans." My hands glowed black. "I draw the line there." I throw my head back and let the dark thoughts claw in. Turning my eyes black as I find the answer I needed.
    Sinking in the darkness that brew inside. Years in the work. The only thing that hasn't fail me was dark magic. I get the love and power from it. And it return the favor of its own. I got everything I ever wanted. Some will not think its was a good idea to sip into it so deep. Dark magic can be dangerous. If you let it in for to long. They said it can take over you. Becoming a all different type of person. Their not wrong! It does changes you. It just wasn't for the weak ones. Thats why no one dig their claw into it.
    But looking back into our ancestors days. Those who got off track to practice the dark magic. Where the greatest witches in history. No one dear to take a chance with them. Just the radiation of its wicked shadowiness coming off. It scared them away. Making anyone turn back. Thats what I seek for. Thats what I have. Thats what I am. And I'm bot going to let some little girl who was denied by the ancestors and everyone. Come and ruin what I had build.
    The dark shadows talks to be. We connect with the blood and mind. Creating a deeper desire for each other. "Ah it feels so good." I tell myself. The whispers the thrill the feeling. It was power and it was mine. Only mine! We talk through my gift. Finding more way to get everyone to be on our side. Finding ways to get the girl to act right again. "Hurt. Lose. Crawl. Burn." The shadows snarl at me.
    "Mmhh yes that will do just perfect." I continue to write down my thoughts and plans. "This will teach that brat a lesson." I got up and grab my keys. Making a ends to this joke. "Sorry Liv. You should of just listen to your mother. And this wouldn't had to happen." None of this would of been happening if Caden would of kill her that night. But my husband was weak. Just like everyone. Their falling for her act.
    "My queen? Where are going?" Running into Caden in the halls.
   "Just a small errand my love. I'll won't take long." Caressing his face, I block all negative feelings from him.
   "Sage? You can't use your manipulation gift to trick me." He grab my hand away. "I know with Liv's party, things has been off. But she gone now. You don't need to worry or do anything crazy." I scrawl at him.
    "Mhh, i'll do everything I need to do to make sure we're all good." Caden sigh loudly. He has been like this since Liv return. Its f***ing annoying. She was here for a few hours and she had Caden wrapped around her hands AGAIN!
    "Just promise me you will stop this hatred. She gone Sage. She won't return, not after your conversation." Yeah because of me. But she will find a way to crawl back in and destroy whats good. I just know it.
   "She needed to know what was to come if she choice to come back." Caden steps close and it didn't feel right.
  "Just leave her be. We were all fine without her. Rather she alive or not. Its over. Take the win my love." He said.
    The shadows whispers in my ears. "He lies. Shes talks. It ends." I fight the shadows from coming out.
  "Your right. I did win." I kiss Caden to make him believe I was on his side. "Why don't I go into town and grab your favorite dish? Maybe a day off from all this?" He smiles. Yes, it worked.
   "Allow me to drive you my queen." Grabbing my hips towards him. He was arose. And the shadows snickers a laugh at him.
  "No, no. I'll do it. You just relax and wait for me in bed. I won't be long." He gave me another kiss and I couldn't breath from his love.
    I love my husband. He seen it all and can tell when something wrong. The darkness has allow me to work my gift on him. But lately it seems to not work as well. I need to find another way to ensure Caden doesn't fall into her lies. Not like before. Tricking him to not killing her. "F***ing weak!" I tell myself. The shadows reminds me of how our daughter and mate will be our down fall. Their be in the ends of us. So if this doesn't work. If this idea doesn't get Liv to obey. I'll have to fall to a new plan. Involving both of them.
    "Don't take long my queen. It be dark when you return." I smile and continue to walk out the house.
   "F***ing Caden and his love for that girl." Now I know for sure, I needed to do this. So I drove into town and do what I had plan.  "She'll see. She'll crawl. They will obey. All." The shadows whispers on repeat.
    Making it back, Caden was more than ambitious to take me. The shadows crawl out and search the house for any lies. Anything that I need to know. Time together gave the shadows a small time of free will among's the grounds. While they work, I rest with my mate.
    "My queen?" He whispers.
  I unbutton my shirt and take play among his belt. Pulling his pants down. "Yes?" I said.
  "Where is your brooch? You never take it off?"
  Got up and search for it with my hand. "F***! Where did it go?" I thought. "Ohh I stop by my office and left it there. I wanted to upgrade."
  He smiles, believing my lie. Caden takes us in and forgetting about the hot food. We drive into a passionate love making. I try to use my gift while he was in a low state. When he was asleep I made sure to keep him focus on us and the coven. Driving his love farther way from that girl. I know he thinks of her.
    The days after the dance has been one of the most relaxing days. Travis had a small meeting in the morning and we been cuddle up in the studies all day. This felt like a fairy tale really. I never thought I would ever met my mate, little long a alpha mate. He was prefect in every way. Not like the alpha Mason had told me, not the alpha that I expect Travis to be. He was more than what I can imagine. Him and Malcolm.
    I caught up on my school work and now I took some time to read one of the books Travis had on his walls. I wanted to read all of them. I want to know what he knows. If all works out. I want to be the luna that these people needed. So I had some reading to do. He had a couch put in here for us to lay down together. He was busy on the laptop doing work while he massages me. And I lay back reading away.
    Some moments, I caught a glimpse of him, and how sexy he looks when he's at work. Making me in heat for him. He can scent it and he ask if I need anything. I cover
  my face and shook my head no. Makes it harder when he smirks that f***ing sexy look at me. He teases me a little. Giving me kisses  on his lap. Being all dominates and sexy.
    I just want to toss my book and that god d*** laptop. Kiss him until he is rock hard and ride him until he can't take anymore. But after the other night, I already confess to him that its too soon. Stupid a** Liv! Stupid! We could be having s** right now if I wasn't afraid of him still leaving me. So teasing and driving our limits was all we got.
    In the mids of our relaxtion we hear a faint yell. And Travis eyes quickly turn white and back to normal. "What is it?!" I asked. He lay my foot down nicely and looked around. I sense he was worried. "Travis? Talk to me." I plead.
    "Don't worry baby. Just lock the door and wait for me okay." Rubbing my shoulders to ensure i'm calm. But its a lie.
  "No! Tell me whats going on. I can help!" He shook his head.
  "No, I need you safe." I sigh, understanding his reason. "Travis. Babe please." I can hardly get my words out.
  "I'll be back soon. Just stay here okay." He kiss me and I pull his arm to not leave.
    "You don't have to be scaried." I know I don't but I know how he feels and it worries me.
  "Fine." Again he grabs me and kisses me deeply. Leaving me breathless.
  "Don't leave!" He said before leaving me in the studies alone. I wanted to argue about it but I know he wouldn't approve of me leaving the room.
    After a few minutes, I couldn't stand being in the room while the pack I supposedly love and needed to protect was in trouble. My best friend and mate is out there in trouble. "I'm a f***ing witch. Not a damsel in destress." I told myself. "F*** this!" I stop my pacing and left the room. Racing down the hall, I see people flying in and hiding anywhere they can.
    Making out the doors and onto the field. All I see is chaos happening. There were wolfs fighting wolfs and men fighting men. Searching the field I see Mason fighting a big guy. Then I follow the amazing scent of my mate and find Malcolm taking down two guys. Sexy! I had not idea why I was there but my mind told me I couldn't just sit around and wait.
    So I search for the clinic knowing I can go there in peace. And the idea to help came in. I look to make sure the clear was good and ran towards it. But a hand stop me, and my heart jump out my chest.
  "Luna! You shouldn't be here!" gamma Sarah yelled.
    "I know but I can help." I said.
  "Did alpha approve of this?" I said nothing. "I need to get you inside. Now."
  I yank her hand away. "I need to get to the clinic." 
  She shook her head no. "Luna its not safe for you." F*** my safety. What about everyone else!
    "Its not safe for anyone. So either help me get to the clinic without getting attack or get the f*** out my way gamma." She sigh and we ran for the clinic. Gamma took down a small wolf who tried to block us. But he was no match for her.
    Gamma locked the doors to the clinic as soon as we enter. And I search around looking for the main thing I needed for my spell. "What the h*** are you looking for?" She asked.
  "Travis blood? I need it?" Scattering through drawers.
  "Its on the other side." I ran quick and grab a vital. "Why do you need Travis blood for?" Ignore her and center myself. Clearing my mind. "Luna? Should I be concern?"
  I turn to face her. "Just watch the door." And I begin to pour the blood on my hands. And chant to myself. Focusing on what I wanted to do. I needed to focus so I don't mess up. This wasn't a easy spell. But because he an alpha will make my plan work.
    Images of what I wanted pops in my head. The power swims inside and I take it as a good sign. I continue to chant until I know its done. Until everyone is safe. Feeling the connection of the pack safety was in my hands. It was on me.
    "Luna what am. ." Gamma gasp and I try to take in her words. She's my guide on this side.  "Their, stopping." She said. I continue my chant, this wasn't over yet. They came to hurt my people and they can't get away with it. "No, Luna wait." She shouts.
  "Just watch!" I told her.
    "Don't kill all of them! We need answers." She said and I sigh and focus again.
  Telling myself what I wanted done to who and how. As the power grew it got hard and I feel my nose bleeding from the over load. It was too many of them. But Sarah was right, I can't kill them all. With what strength I can hold, I flip the switch and felt all the snap of who ever I can. And with the others, I just had enough to just knock them out. Letting Travis and whoever deal with them.
    "Their down. Did. Did you kill them all?" I wiped the blood from nose, it dripped on the counter. My head bouncing from the draining spell.
   "No, not all." I panted. I grab what I can and clean my mess. Splashing water on my face. I felt so exhausted. It was too much, I never, never had to kill someone before. And now I kill, I killed them. For them. For him.
    "Are you okay luna." I nod, faking a smile.
  Before walking out the door, the calm scent I adore was mix with angry. "Trav.." I gasped.
  "Liv. Gamma." He wasn't happy. But I don't care. I'm exhausted from the spell. "Why didn't you stop her! She shouldn't be here!" He yelled at gamma.
  "I'm sorry alpha. She gave me no choice."
    "Travis don't be mad at her. Its was my decision to come and do.." I walk towards him and his body was tense.
  "It is your fault!" I frown at him.
  "Alpha don't." He pull away from Mason grip.
  "Why did you listen when I told you to stay inside! All you had to do was lock the door and wait!" Is he really this mad?
    "I couldn't, the pack need my help." I said.
  "You should of listen and stayed put like I told you!" He step close to me and I backed away. Making his face change.
   "I'm not one of your wolfs who you can just demand around!" He hover over me. And our angry flare match in the tension air.
  "I'm the alpha here. And I make the final call here and you.."
  I finish his sentence. "I'm me, right! Just some witch." The room got cold. "Well f*** you." I push him.
  Waking out the clinic and everyone follow. "Elizabeth wait! I didn't. ." I turn and just stare at him. Waiting for him to say it. But he didn't.
  "Thank you for helping gamma." She nod and mouth words to me.
   "Elizabeth." I push Travis away and shook my head at him.
  "Don't! Just f***en don't." Travis eyes looked hurt, but not like mine. Not the same as I did. Mason grab my arm to pull me away and we walk back to the pack house in silence.
    "Do you need me to stay with you?" Mason asked.
  "No. I'm fine." Unlocking my door. I pause and turn to face Mason. "I'm glad your safe. All of you." He hug me, and I fought not to cry.
  "Don't think about the deaths. Its easier that way." I nod and watch Mason return back to the elevator.
    I sat down on the bed and try to calm myself down. Knowing I had just the little bit of energy to make it up here. I went to the bathroom to wiped my hands. And then the door slams open and closed. "F***!" I whispered to myself.
    I walked out to find Travis standing at the foot of the bed. Looking more angry than before. I stayed by the bathroom door and he got up walked towards me. I match his energy and crossed my arms. "Why did you leave the room?"
  I rolled my eyes. "Really?" I tried walking away and he grab me, I ignore the sparks.
  "You can't do that! You need to listen when I told you to stay inside." I yank my arm away and push him.
    "Like I said before. F*** you!" Again he grab me and the tension grew. "I'm not helpless Travis. I did what needed to be done! You should thank me!" He slam his fist at the wall and I didn't flinch. I know he won't hurt me.
   "You killed those people! Those wolfs, those pups! You could of gotten killed!" He yelled.
    "I was fine! I had gamma with me!" Staring at him. He shook his head and walks away in frustration. "Why are you really so mad about? Huh! Its not me, is it?" He turn quick and my heart broke.
  "They could of died! My pack! My people! The ones I fought for could of died." I can feel his anger just boiling off of him. It should scary me but it didn't. "And no witch was going to stand in that way. I'm the only one who can help my pack! Their all terrified! They thought you were going to kill them!"
    That was it, the truth. He didn't trust me like I trusted him. My mistake. "I see, your pack comes first. I'm just a guest." I said, hiding my pain. I hiding the wrenching stabbing feeing in my heart. Foolish me, I let myself fall in deeper with him. I listen to him to convincing me that this will work. That this was worth trying for. I believe him that we could be something. I guess it was only me. I should known better, than to allow myself fall for someone again. Just to be stab in the heart again.
     "Liv thats. .F*** thats not what I meant." Again I stepped back and he kept his distances.
  Knowing this was always going end like this. We shouldn't be together. He's a alpha while i'm just, i'm just me. Just Liv.  "No it is, its fine. You have ever reason to not trust witches. You don't have to make any exceptions just because of some stupid bond." I said.
    "Liv their just scared of witches thats all. They need time. I'm so.." I cut him off, I didn't want hear him.
  "Look Travis we don't have to do this." Walking towards him, and grabbing his hands to play with his fingers. This might be my last time.
  "I wasn't suggesting a rejection?" His voice was sweet but I ignore every feeling of his and focus on my own.
  "I'm just gonna go, okay." Travis grab my arm and I saw his eyes glow. It was Malcolm.
    "I told you before. You two are better off with a wolf mate." Rubbing his hands away, but he grip for my touch.
  "Liv, stay." Again I had to fight the urge to not cry.
   "Don't just don't." I shook my head, with watering eyes.
  "Liv please." Bring his head down to mine. My heart was telling me to stay and fight for us. But everything else told me I needed to leave. The sooner we realizes the truth, the better. I just didn't know it hurt this much to walk away.
    So I took a deep breath. "You boys take the time to think about what you want. And i'll take the time to think too. You just call me and let me know if you want to do the rejection, if that what you choose." Broking my own heart more. It hurt to just say the words out loud. And cracking of my heart was being swallow by the pain.
   "Liv." Malcolm whispers.
  Before the feeling switch to stay here. I pull from their touch. "Goodbye boys." And walked out the door.
    It was hard to breathe but I needed to leave. I need to go home and think. I can't stay here anymore. I left heart broken. Holding all the pain inside. All I wanted right now was to left alone to pain. Scream it out until it goes away. If it does. Making it down stairs, I see a few people standing around. They looked at me for answers.
  "Everything should be safe now. Everyone should head to their homes and call the doctor if you need any medical help. Please take care of your love ones." They nod and smile at me. Making this decision was hard.
    "Liv?" I turn to find Mason and I hug him for dear life.
   "Come on, I'll drive you." I fought the tears, not wanting anyone from the pack to see me cry. I don't want them to remember me like that.
    After a silence ride, I had Mason take me to work. I needed to calm down before getting home. "You know Travis didn't mean anything harsh, he may said. It had just been him for so long." I turn and blank my tears away.
   "Doesn't matter. Things were already said. Can't go back now." Keeping my face towards the window. Mason parked in front of my job.
    "This is new for you both. You can't just give up over one fight." I smile and wiped my tears.
  "Its our problem Mason. Don't worry about it." He grab my hand and flick his eyes back and froth. "Thank you for driving me." I hug him again and got out.
  "I can stay if. ." I shook my head.
  "No. You need to head back and be the bada** beta I saw back there." And got out and hug me once more.
    "Liv just promised me you'll fight with your heart and future. No the past or anything else." I knew what he meant.
   "I love you boys. No matter whatever happens. It won't affect us, okay." We shared a smile and Mason got in the car and said one last thing.
  "Love can be scary when it failed you once. Doesn't mean it will happen again. Not when its real this time. And you and Travis are real. Its rare, means its worth fighting for." I said nothing and watch him leave.
    Now I'm here outside my job. The only thing is, I lied to Mason. I didn't need to work today. I kinda quit the other day. Giving them a week notice. Things felt too real and serious with Travis. I thought it be the right decision. But now, I don't know.
    With no work, and no car. I took the walk home. It gave me time to think out my feelings. And I'm f***ed. All I keep thinking about was the good. His touch, his lips, his kisses, his face, his everything. I don't want to lose it. I wanted him. He was becoming my everything I ever desire. But I guess it might just be me. This wasn't the bond anymore. This was real feelings.
    Walking down the streets I smell smoke and see cars park up at a house. "Who's house is that?" I guess i'm not the only one who's having a bad day. Walking closer to I notice it the cars and people around. Looking around I see a familiar car. It was my parents parked on the street.
    Looking up I see people running in and out and my heart fell more broken. Seeing my parents car outside while our home was on fire. Everything went silence and I ran towards the disaster. "Nooo!" I cried out.

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