2. Spilled

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1 month later .....

Catherine was really out of control. 

Now, we were sitting in the university's café area, trying to calm her down after she had just gotten into a huge fight with a boy in Professor Gemmell's class.

"I can't believe he said that!" Catherine fumed, her eyes blazing with anger. "Who does he think he is?"

Eleanor, always the peacemaker, placed a hand on Catherine's shoulder. "Cat, you need to breathe. He's just an idiot. Don't let him get to you."

Natalia, always loud and dramatic, nodded vigorously. "Yeah, Cat! You're way too awesome to waste your energy on that loser. I mean, did you see his shoes? Totally last season."

I chimed in, "Cat, we all know you're amazing. Don't waste your energy on people like him."

Catherine took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm herself. "You're right. I just... I hate feeling like I have to prove myself all the time."

Natalia gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. "We get it. But remember, you're not alone. We've got your back."

At that moment, my name was called for my coffee. "Excuse me, I'll be right back," I said, making my way to the counter.
As I picked up my caramel macchiato and started back towards my friends , I got collided into someone,  my careful steps interrupted by an unexpected collision. With a gasp, I watched in dismay as my precious coffee splattered all over his shirt and jacket, the creamy foam and dark liquid creating an unfortunate and messy pattern. Oh my God, what the hell? God...

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up to see who I had bumped into. My heart sank as I recognized the chiseled jawline and intense eyes with this giant body. It was none other than Alexander Meroni. Of all the people here, it had to be Alexander . Typical . I thought . God, in all these people around, this has to be him? Why... God must be saying, "Annika, my child, your day is not going to be easy."

Alexander looked down at his coffee-stained, branded jacket, then back at me. His expression was unreadable, a mix of irritation and amusement. "Was this intentional, Anika?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips. From the very first day, we've argued over almost everything—whether it's in lectures or elsewhere. But every single time, he remains infuriatingly calm, making my blood boil like no one else can. He's always the composed one, while I'm the one left shouting and losing my cool.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'm really sorry. I didn't see you there."

He sighed, shrugging off the jacket and holding it out to me. "Here, you can clean it and return it later." His fingers brushed mine, sending shivers down my spine.

I took the jacket, feeling the weight of the luxurious fabric. "I'll make sure it's spotless. I'm really sorry."

He nodded. "Just try not to make a habit of it." and you don't make a habit of showing everywhere i go . i did't said that . 

Before I could respond, he walked away, leaving me standing there, mortified and holding his jacket. I returned to my besties, who were now looking at me with a mix of curiosity and amusement. 

"Why did he give you his jacket, huh?" Catherine teased, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Doesn't he have people for that? Like, I don't know, minions or something?"

My cheeks flushed even brighter as i tried to suppress a nervous giggle.

"I-I don't know," I stammered, my voice betraying me uncertainty as i struggled to make sense of the situation. "Maybe he's just... being nice?" which he is never .

Natalia chimed in, a knowing twinkle in her eyes. "Or maybe he needs an excuse to talk to you? Who knows, maybe he finds you fun!"

Eleanor rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her voice as she joined in on the banter. "Come on, Natalia.
 Anni , you'll have a chance to apologize properly at his party tonight." 

I raised an eyebrow. "Party? What party?"

Natalia grinned. "Alexander hosts this amazing party every year. It's a big deal. ."

 I hesitated. "I don't know. I'm not really into those kinds of parties. Parties are just not my type of thing, though I enjoy them at times. I get bored easily." there's been long since i left those things.

Natalia rolled her eyes and locked her arm in mine. "You're coming. We won't take no for an answer."

                                                   -------------˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆˚----------------

We were at Natalia's house, getting ready for the party in her room. Her room had a beachy vibe, with walls covered in pictures of her and Bennet, as well as snapshots from Bulgaria. I was still reluctant, but my friends were determined to convince me. They always managed to find a way, no matter how much I resisted.

"Trust me, Annika, you'll have a great time," Catherine said, sorting through her makeup bag. A good time that i wish ...

with a knock on the door , Natalia's mother entered the room, her warm presence filling the space. "Hello, girls," she greeted in her Bulgarian accent, holding a tray with a delicious-looking cake. "I brought you some Garash cake. It's a Bulgarian specialty." The smell of delicious cake entered in room.

Natalia grinned. "Thanks, Mommy! You're the best." She turned to us . "You have to try this. It's amazing .u know its Ben's fav."

The girls eagerly took slices of the cake. Natalia took a moment to pack a slice for Bennet, her boyfriend. "Mommy, can you pack some more for Bennet? He's coming for dinner later."

Natalia's mom smiled. "Of course, dear. I'll make sure Ben has plenty." Natalia and Bennet both are just crazy for each other .They make such an adorable couple, together since kindergarten. They're one of the cutest couples I've ever seen.

As the time to get dressed approached, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I pulled out the dress Eleanor had lent me—a dark blue gown that was elegant and a bit revealing. It had been a long time since I wore something like this. The dress hugged my curves, with a plunging neckline and a thigh-high slit that added a touch of allure. The deep blue fabric shimmered under the light, making me feel both beautiful and exposed.

Eleanor helped me with my hair, styling it into soft waves that cascaded down my back. "You look stunning, Anni ," she said, admiring her handiwork.

I blushed. "Thanks, E. I'm just a bit nervous. It's been a while since I dressed up like this. Honestly, I don't even feel excited about wearing this."

Natalia grinned. "Don't worry, you're going to turn heads tonight , with dress , curves and face of yours ." Knowing the fact that the dress was really very glittery . Stop criticizing Anni .

 As I looked in the mirror, I realized it was really beautiful, and I was looking beautiful too. 

eleanor added with a wink, "And maybe spill some more coffee on a certain someone."

"Oh, I'm sure tonight will be perfect," Catherine chimed in, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Just imagine the look on the faces of all the boys when they see how stunning you look!" 

Natalia nodded, her excitement palpable ."Can you picture their jaws dropping to the floor, not knowing where to look first?" she teased. she is really  funny .

I laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. "Let's just hope tonight goes smoothly."

Tangled with Fate | #1st Tangled Hearts SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now