34: Rhapsody (3)

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The students of the third year were all gathered on the fourth day in the garden outside the Ceremonial Hall inside the academy. Along with them, specific students from all three years were invited as well either as Dance or Performance partners.

Prince Liam invited the Heroine, Matilda Ambrose, as his dance and performance partner; Richard Marshall was invited by a senior of his, called Reginald Ashcroft, to be a performance partner; and Valentine De Clare was also present since he is also a third-year student but it seemed that his partner was rather kept a mystery. As for the remaining capture targets, they were present one way or another but mostly as performance partners.

As for Vivian Moore, who invited Edith Black, it wasn't known what she had in mind since there was no common ground between her and Edith. It would be frowned upon to have a same-sex partner during the dance on this specific evening, as for the performance that was forced upon her unjustly, Edith can't be of help either. Vivian's performance was musical while Edith had no talent in music whatsoever.

While these were the initial thoughts, it soon became clear that Vivian brought Edith along as emotional support and a backup security measure for her absent knight. She also seemed to be going after Richard Marshall judging by their famously intense grievance.

But all of this and that soon became the least important thing in the minds of those young men and women when the organizer of today's event came to meet them at the garden.

It was none other than the friendly and enthusiastic Professor Amos Morgan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 176th graduation ceremony. My name is Professor Amos Morgan, but I am sure we've all met before in my History Class. Officially, I am proud to be your year's supervisor but unofficially, I am proud of you all on a personal level and I can't wait to see how well you did in the written exams. Your Highness, it has been a pleasure this year."

"Thank you for your guidance, Professor." Prince Liam replied with absolute respect.

"And here's my favorite student. Valentine, why are you hiding in the back, afraid someone may force you to eat something?"

"You figured me out, professor." Valentine De Clare gave an awkward laugh before walking out from behind the students to greet his teacher.

"Alright. I can't waste time saying hello to all of you even though I hope. Just get straight to the ceremony in an orderly fashion. Remember to move in pairs as instructed. Each one of you will sit according to your seat number from the exams. The students of the third year are in the front row, followed by the second and then first years. As for the students who will perform today, you stay behind along with your performance partners."

To that announcement, most of the students started moving and those who remained were only 41 students who were also split in pairs except for a lone student who got to stand all on her own.

Amos Morgan looked towards that student and then turned his head away with no expressions whatsoever.

"Alright. Let's see. The Martial Performances will go first. The order of the students will be Reginald Ashcroft, Percival Wentworth, Geoffrey Fairchild, Bartholomew Harrington, Archibald Fitzwilliams, Sebastian Thornhill, and Montgomery Blackwood."

The seven knight juniors along with their partners stepped forward. All of the students and their partners were males as it was extremely rare for a female student to go in the Martial class let alone participate in a third year's performance.

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