A Premiere

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The dress is really pretty granted but Emmeline does not want to wear it. It is predominantly white but the layered skirt has a floral print with mixes of blues and greens. When Tom brought it back from work with him she knew this meant one thing, a premiere. She has never really enjoyed premieres because she hates the flashing cameras, screaming crowds and all the attention. She would much rather stay at home playing video games or being curled up in front of the TV. But this film is massive...or meant to be anyway. Tom is seriously proud of it and she would feel bad if she didn't attend plus she hasn't been at a premiere in years. She needs to go, for her dad.

Emmeline picks up the coat hanger with dress hanging proudly from it and smiles; it truly is beautiful. She holds it up against her body and smiles just as Benedict knocks on the door. "Come in." Ben pushes opens the door and beams when he sees that his daughter is obviously pleased with her new outfit.

"You like it?" He asks and she nods. "Good. Tom will be pleased, he is downstairs fretting." Emmeline giggles at this, knowing her father too well. "So are you going to come to this premiere then?" He questions cautiously.

"Yes." She gleefully responds, "I think I will...it is tomorrow right?" Benedict nods while scanning his daughter's room and notices how untidy it is but decides to shrug it off. His room was a lot worse when he was a teenager. He chuckles at the memory. The sound of his mother's voice yelling up the stairs directing her son to tidy his room or else while his father just chuckles. "I need to do my homework." Emmeline tells Benedict, hinting him to leave.


The dress fits Emmeline Rose well and she smiles at her reflection in the long mirror. With her dress, she is wearing a pair of white heels because she has seemed to get her mother's genes in the height department but she is also wearing her precious charm bracelet. She was given the bracelet for her eighth birthday and has nine charms; she got four with the bracelet itself which are letters spelling 'Emmy', a butterfly for winning the creative writing prize at school, a statue of liberty from when Tom was filming in New York for three months straight, a flower with a diamond in the centre for finishing primary school and then a bird as a good luck present for starting secondary school. The ninth charm she was only given today but not by Tom or Benedict.


The bell rings for the end of the school day and Emmeline rushes out of the building so she can get home quickly to get ready for the premiere. "Hey Em!" Max calls from behind her making her stop in her tracks. She is about to yell telling her friend that she has to go but she sees a small box in his hands so she does not. She wonders what is in the box – definitely some kind of jewellery judging by the type of box. "I got you something." He mumbles and hands over the box. Emmeline opens the box to reveal at beautiful charm; it is a heart but split into two on one charm with Romeo written on one half and Juliet written on the other.

"It is beautiful." She mutters and runs her thumb over the shiny silver.

"I wasn't going to give it to you until our performances but when you told me last night that you were actually attending a premiere. I had to give it to you!" He rushes while she continues to beam. "So you like it right?"

"I love it!" She exclaims and hugs Max tightly. "Thank you so much Max." She pulls back and kisses him lightly on the cheek making him blush a bright fuchsia colour. "I've got to go!" She starts to run off leaving Max stranded but calls back, "And thank you!"

*End of Flashback*

Emmeline jangles the silver charm bracelet to make it sit right on her wrist before putting her phone and lip gloss into her clutch bag. Her makeup is simple but lovely with just a thin layer of a glittery eye shadow, a single streak of eye liner, a dab of mascara and a pale pink lip gloss. She has also curled her hair so it is bouncy just below her shoulders. "Are you ready Emmy?!" Benedict shouts up the stairs so Emmeline scampers out of her room after grabbing her bag and slamming the door shut. She skips down the stairs and into the living room where Tom and Ben are standing in black suits and Elli is texting in a black pencil skirt and blouse. Being their publicist, Elli has to attend all of these kinds of event leaving Nate at home with Izzy, Lulu and Max. "You look beautiful." Ben smiles.

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