Just Some Action Film

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Max has laid Emmy's head in his lap while Benedict kneels down to try and get some sort of response from his daughter but she is not awakening. Tom feels his whole world crashing around him.


Emmeline remembers waking up a few times. Once while being carried from the cold outside to the warmer within by who she thinks was her biological father. Then on the sofa in the lounge by some figure dressed in green; now thinking about it they were probably paramedics. She can remember snippets of conversation... "She had an extreme panic or anxiety attack." A male voice said.

"Oh god." Tom muttered.

"Her heart palpitations got too such an extreme that her body panicked and shut down. She should come around soon. When she does, give her plenty of fluids and some ibuprofen if she needs it."

"Okay thank you."

"If there are any problem then take her to a GP or hospital if necessary. There shouldn't be though."

That was it, well that is all that Emmeline recalls. Right now she can feel the familiar soft feeling off her mattress beneath her and her warm duvet wrapped around her. She wonders for a few moments who is carrying her everywhere; she may not be heavy but she isn't exactly light either. Then she remembers why she is in this state... Ben wants the family to move to America! She doesn't want to move now that she her mother back and an unexpected brother. Then there is Max. She couldn't leave him, not for a billion years.

Downstairs Tom, Benedict and Max are sat in the living room tapping their feet impatiently. There was a debate earlier on about who should keep watch to make sure that she is okay when she awakens. Turns out it couldn't be resolved which is why Vanessa is sat upstairs in the corner of Emmeline's room reading a novel. "You are going to take her away from me..." Max mumbles under his breath almost angrily but in more of a sad turn.

"No we're not." Tom replies sternly earning a fuming glance from Benedict.

"Yes you will." Max states as he looks up from his tense hands at the married couple, "You know what she is like. She is too kind. She will want you too to be happy as she cares very much for your careers." Ben's facial expression softens when the realisation hits him... he is right. Emmy will do what they want even if she doesn't want to, she will leave her boyfriend behind and it is all his fault. And now she is snoozing in her bed after an extreme anxiety attack would have caused a heart attack if she thirty/forty years older.

Emmy finally opens her eyes after a few minutes of self-debate, she doesn't want to wake up to this reality. She sighs quite loudly alerting her mother to her consciousness. "Emmy darling!" Vanessa exclaims as she shuffles to her feet and then rushes over to her daughter's bedside with a worried smile on her face. "How are you feeling?" Emmeline rubs her eyes tiredly so her vision clears so she can see her mother's face leaning above her.

"Tired." Emmy yawns to almost prove the point although she can't help it.

"Everyone's worried about you." She whispers like they would be able to hear her even though they are sat downstairs with a door shut between them. "Maybe you should speak to someone about your anxiety attacks...a professional." Emmeline sits up suddenly shaking her head nervously, her grip tightening on the sheets.

"No no no no no no no no no..." She repeats over and over as she grips her hair in her hands. She is daunted at even the thought of seeing a psychiatrist about whatever unresolved problems she has. Plus what will the press think? She can see it now: 'Hiddleston-Cumberbatch's daughter taken to mental asylum for sectioning'. She shivers at the thought.

"Okay, okay Emmy calm down." Her mum soothes bringing her back to reality. The cold reality that she will be moving to the States because Benedict always gets the last word, she will be leaving Max and she will be unhappy for the rest of her life. "I am so glad that you are okay... I was worried." She allows herself to be engulfed in a mother-daughter hug making her feel warm inside once again, the emptiness disappearing but she cannot help the feeling of a headache coming on. Way to ruin the moment. "Plus, what would the school do without their Juliet?" Emmy chuckles at the thought of Max having to perform the play with Eva 'Bitchy' Eastham. "Do you need anything?"

"I have a headache." Emmeline whispers as her mum pulls away from the hug and then gets up to find some painkillers.

"I will go and find you something for that. Do you need anything else?" Emmy shakes her head and waits for her mother to leave the room so she can get up herself and sneak down the stairs. She wants to see Max, if he is still here that is.

"Em!" Max exclaims when he sees his girlfriend loitering in the doorway awkwardly. He jumps up and rushes over to her; a humongous hug follows. "Are you okay?" He whispers softly into her ear and she nods. When they pull apart Emmy makes awkward eye contact with both her dads.

"So what's this Oscar winning role then?" She asks reluctantly while biting her lip; Benedict nearly punches the air but then he remembers that this is unadvisable.

"Well-" He begins but is interrupted by Tom.

"Just some action film." He says as if he is uninterested but his eyes tell a different story. She can see that they both want this so badly and the only thing that is stopping them from doing it is her. She doesn't want to be the cap on their dreams. She looks at them both and then a Max and then back at them, then Max. She sighs.

"You should at least audition." She suggests, "Both of you." She feels Max tense beside her so she reaches for his hand and takes it in hers. She squeezes it reassuringly hoping he will relax but he doesn't.

"Thank you Emmy." Tom smiles, "But you don't have to do this."

"Please, just audition." She pleads and they both nod.

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