[Chapter 1] Their new sibling

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In the dining room there are 8 people sitting on a chair, two parents and 6 brothers.

"So, what's this meeting about? Mother, father." Sakusa Kiyoomi spoke, staring at his parents infront of him and his other brothers,

The woman took a deep breath and calmed herself down as she spoke.

"Boys, you'll be having a younger brother from now on." The six brothers agape at the news.

"What?!" They, the six brothers, said at the same time.

"But mom, I'm not good at taking care of childrens." Oikawa, the also oldest sibling in the family said,

"I agree with brother mom." The other siblings agreed, both the parents sighed.

"He's 6 years old already, and I'm sorry for not telling you Boys sooner that you had a baby brother, I wanted it to be a surprise, so I waited six years before I will finally tell this to you all sons." The father spoke calmly and smiled.

"But why 6 years?" Kuro, also the oldest sibling asked. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Me and your mother knew that you all didn't want anymore siblings, nor a younger sibling, so we both took care of your younger sibling and kept him a secret to you sons, and to everyone except for your mother and me. And even your other fathers agreed to this."

Yes, they all had different fathers. But had the same mother, explains why their names were like that.

"Now. Sakusa Kiyoomi, Kuro Tetsurou, Oikawa Tooru, Suna Rintarou, Akaashi Keiji, and Tsukishima Kei. I hope you all are responsible for having a little brother." The mother spoke strictly.

The mother, Mrs. Hinata, is the most strictly and had the most scary aura in their family, while Mr. Hinata, well he was the opposite. But the thing that they have in common is that they're both rich and famous.

"Of course mother!" The six brothers said in a unison.

"Good, now me and your father will pick up your little brother now, we'll come back later, make sure you Boys did your studys already." She said, making her sons gulp and nodded, assuring the mother that they've done it already.

Both of their parents then left, and the six brothers went to their mansion to talk about their younger brother.

At this year, they were still kids and elementary students. Their current ages right now are.

Sakusa, Kuro, and Oikawa at the age of 10.

Suna, Akaashi, and Tsukishima at the age of 9.

But the six of them were very tall even tho they were all still kids.


When the brothers were now at their own mansion, they all sat down on their chairs and discussed about the new sibling. Wow, they are really matured for a children to be.

"Sakusa, what do you think our plan will be when we will finally have a younger brother?" Kuro asked, his other siblings also questioned the same question.

"Since we have a little brother, from now on, we'll be loving him, take care of him, and protect him at all cost, even if our life was on the line." Sakusa stated, His other siblings agreed and nodded at the statement.

"Okay then! We'll treat him kind and teach him good stuffs and won't take away his innocence." Oikawa muttered as if he was also innocent.

"Ohhh~ says the one who isn't innocent, HaHaHa!!!" Tsukishima teased and laughed as his other brothers also laughed at the word.

"All of us are not innocent so stop blabbering words and stop this nuisance" Sakusa added with an dusgusted face plastered all over his face.

"Agreed, germaphobe brother." And they laughed again, it was a very chaotic sibling discussion and Sakusa and Akaashi was almost gonna kill their own brothers, well only for a joke.

After the laughter died down, a phone ringing was heard.

They must be back already the six of them thought.

Suna then answered the phone call and put it on speaker.

"Boys, we'll be arriving at your mansion, make sure it's clean." then she hung up.

"Wow. Well we better get ready for what's to happen now!" Kuro teasingly says.

The six brothers grew up very close to each other but they often fight each other and tease one another, but they're in good relationship with each other.

And today, they never really expected that they'd be having a little brother, they weren't fond of childrens but they would like to give it a shot on taking care of one.


The six brothers stood infront of the mansions large door, waiting for it to open and someone to enter.

Would it really be worth it to take care of another brother?

"We're here now boys, sorry for the wait." The mother says as she opened the large door and went inside beside his husband and a little boy trailling behind them.

"This is Shouyou, your little brother. Shouyou say hello to your older brothers." The mother spoke lovingly to her own young child.


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