[Chapter 6] A confession from Atsumu

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"Shouyou says that he had made friends at the academy." Sakusa spoke while he was writing something on a pile of papers.

"Yeah, but he's friends with people we know, except for that sangwoo guy."

"We don't know him well yet, so we better keep an eye on him." Suna says and continued scrolling on his phone.

"He looked just like Osamu, but Osamu's the better twin anyways." The brothers laughed at the word.

"We better head back to our classroom or someone will suspect us cutting classes."  

"Are you an idiot of what?! Everything's free here, this school is like freedom!"

"Ah, right, sorry haha!"

"Anyways, let's go."


"Shouyou-chan, can ya meet me at the garden later at class?" Atsumu blushingly said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hmm? Sure!" Shouyou says as he smiled as always. Nowadays students who encounter Shouyou are most likely wanted to be friends with him and would love to see his cheery and happy smile everyday.

Today they had short lessons because teachers will be having a meeting for their upcoming celebration, a celebration for the teachers day.

And, today, Atsumu is going to confess to Shouyou, ever since he met him and saw his sunny aura and bright smile. He fell inlove so deeply, and had wanted to court him, and now he is finally going to confess to him, he was a bit nervous and he kept over-thinking but, today he was finally ready.

"Good morning class, please take a seat." Mrs. Aone said as she entered the classroom. Every student in her class then seated, including Shouyou and Atsumu.


Few hours later.

"Well, that's it! See you all next week class!"

"Thank you for the lesson sensei! See you too next week!"

Everyone then packed up their things in their bag and left, leaving a few students left.

"Shouyou-chan, I'll get some snacks first, wait me at the garden, 'kay?" Atsumu whispered as he left.

"Okie, Atsumu-kun!"

Shouyou then went to the garden and sat down on the swing near a tree.

He looked up the sky, many birds flew so beautifully and the clouds were so beautiful too, the color of the sky, the pure blue and sky blue is just so.. describable as lovely.

He waited patiently there, he played with his hands a bit and lowered his head.

He raised his head again to look at the sky but then someone who looks like Atsumu aproached him.

"Atsumu? Is that you? Why's your hair like that?" Shouyou stated, confused.

"I'm not atsumu." The person said nonchalantly and gave the younger male a quick stare.

Shouyou got embarrassed and apologized immidiently, "I-I'm sorry! I- I thought you were Atsumu! You both just look... alike?"

The person chuckled, "It's fine, people say that a lot, well that's because we're twins."

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