Chapter Two

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Twisted Fate

Chapter Two

I looked up to see the guy that I was staring at smirking at me I honestly didn't know what to do or what to say I couldn't just sit there, and not say anything but unfortunately that's what I did; I thought that I was dreaming because I could of swore that he was talking to me he can't be talking to me can he?

“Say lil’ mama what's your name?” He asked while sitting down next to me.

OMG he is talking to me what the hell do I do? Do I answer him or do I just sit, and not say anything?  No  because if I do that he'll think that I'm stuck up just answer him.

“My name is Raven” I said not looking at him

“My name is Jakaveon but you call me Jay”

I couldn't bring myself to look at him he was just too fucking fine plus I'm probably not even his type all of a sudden I feel his hand lift my face up to look at him; I was froze he was even more fine up close I couldn't bring myself to stop staring at him.

“You don't have to be scared of me I won't hurt you plus I can tell that you like what you see if you're interested just let me know ma”

He smiled showing his dimples, and I could myself becoming weak OMG what is wrong with me I shouldn't be feeling like this should I? I mean he seems interested in me I could give him a chance but he could be leading me on ugh I don't know what to do.

“Raven where are you?!” I heard Paige yell

“I'm right here there's no need to yell Paige”

Jay removed his hand from my face but continued to sit by me as if he were protecting me I kinda liked this but knowing Paige she was going to try to run him off even though she's the one who said that I needed someone; Paige walks over to us, and before I could say anything she mean mugs Jay.

“Who the fuck are you? “

“Paige please don't start he's a friend “

“A friend huh, and why haven't I ever met him?”

Oh lord here she goes asking 120 questions  that I really don't want to answer I just want her to be okay with the fact that I have a friend, and I really could use more than just one friend especially now that Tevin is gone I need another male in my life.

“Yes he's a friend that I just met,  and he's really nice”

“You just met him, and you're out here all buddy buddy with him?!”

I shook my head was she really showing out right now? All I wanted was for her to chill the fuck out but she wasn't she just kept going; Jay saw that I was frustrated so he leaned over, and said.

“Let me see your phone lil’ mama”


I unlock my phone then hand it to Jay I watched as he saved his number in my phone then he called his phone from my phone so that he could save my number after he saved my number he looked at me.

“I'll hit you up later lil’ mama cause shorty trippin'”

“Okay “

I laughed when he said that Paige was trippin’ because he was right she was trippin’ for no reason,  and she really needed to chill; Jay kissed my cheek then got up, and headed inside where his friend was waiting for him.

“What the hell was that?!”

“Paige don't start please”

“What the fuck you mean don't start who the fuck is he?!”

“Damn he's just someone that I met when I came outside”

“Oh so you just meeting random niggas outside now?!”

I put my head in my hands I couldn't believe that she was acting like this I didn't say shit about the random niggas she brings home 24/7 so  why is she jumping down my damn throat?  I mean yeah she promised my mama that she would look after me but that doesn't mean to act like my mama; all she needs to do is be my best friend that's it.

“Paige just drop it all I need you to do is be my best friend that's it not my mother”

“But I promised your mother that I would look out for you, and that's what I'm doing”

“Yes I know that but I have a lot of things on my mind, and I don't need you jumping down my throat”

Paige sat down beside me by this time she tell that there was something different about my demeanor so she just looked at me then she finally spoke.

“What is going on with you?”

“My mama told me some news, and I just don't know how to take it”

“What is it Raven tell me? “

I felt hot tears streaming down my face I couldn't bring myself to say that Tevin was dead I didn't want to accept that he was gone I just couldn't not now; I just wanted this all to be a bad dream I just want to wake up, and hear his voice telling me that he's there me, and that he always will be but now I'll never hear that again because he's gone before I knew it I broke down my heart was hurting, and I didn't know how to cope with the pain.

“Raven what's wrong answer me please”


“Please Raven answer me”



“He's gone, and he's never coming back”

“Who that nigga you were out here talking to girl please”

“I loved him, and now he's gone I can't believe that he's gone”

“Girl how in the hell can you love him? You just met him you can't fall in love that quick with a nigga you just met”

“You don't understand you never will”

“I do understand, and like I said you can't fall in love with someone you just met”


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