Chapter Eight

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Twisted Fate

Chapter Eight

I started packing my stuff to go back home maybe I just need some time to myself to collect my thoughts, and everything that's going on around me I know that if I tell Jay I'm going back home for Tevin's funeral he'd flip out, and tell me not to go then he'd probably accuse me of not really liking him; so I'm not going to contact him until I get back home from the funeral. I continued to pack until I had everything that I needed for my trip back home; I sat down on the bed that's when I heard Paige knock on the door.

"Come in"

Paige slowly opens the door looking inside my room noticing that my bags are packed she looked around as if she was looking for other bags I continued to sit quietly on the bed waiting for her to say something to me but I know that it would take her a minute because she's still looking at my packed bag finally I broke the silence in the room.

"Is there something that you need?" I asked her

"Are you leaving school because of the fight we had?... Look I'm sorry I…"

"No I'm not leaving school permanently I'm just going home for Tevin's funeral"

"Oh I thought that you were leaving because of the fight we had earlier speaking of earlier look I just want to apologize I just want you to be careful, and I want you to be safe”

“I understand but you have to let me learn from my mistakes so that I know not to do that same mistake again"

"Okay I just want you to be safe that's all Raven"

"I will be trust me I promise"

Paige comes, and sits down on the bed next to me then she looks at me, and I already know what she's about to ask, and I really don't want to answer the question but I know that I have to just so she'll know what's going on.

"So does Jay know that you're going back home for Tevin's funeral?"

"No I don't plan on telling him either"

"Why not?" Paige asked looking a little concerned

"Because he'll get upset he thinks that I still have feelings for Tevin, and that I won't like him anymore but that's not true"

"Wow I didn't know all that I'm sorry girl"

"It's fine I'll live but if he comes by just tell him that I went home to visit my mama"

"Okay I got you girl"

"Thank you girl I'm going to sleep my flights tomorrow morning"

"You're welcome, and be safe I'll see you when you get back"

Paige hugs me then she gets up, and heads back to her room I'm actually glad that Paige, and I talked I couldn't leave here without talking things out with her because I honestly need her in my life as a friend; I don't think that I could make it without Paige as my friend but then I have to worry about Jay what am I going to do?

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