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Anthony: how can I win your love

Ian: keep talking
Ian: :3

Anthony: aboot?

Ian: anything and everything

Anthony: weLL THEN
Anthony: I'll tell you about my day
Anthony: I woke up and went to school and now schools over and I'm talking to you

Ian: wow so interesting you neRD

Anthony: who are you calling a nerd
Anthony: you probably did the same

Ian: stfu
Ian: let me have my moment

Anthony: the moments over bear
Anthony: what else shall I say

Ian: music
Ian: what u into

Anthony: god the list will be long
Anthony: but no judging

Ian: I may giggle irl if it's bad

Anthony: >:c no giggling

Ian: finee

Anthony: fall of troy, panic at the disco, fall out boy, muse (bc yuss) fivesos and shit like that

Ian: ..
Ian: Anthony u kidding

Anthony: are you giggling
Anthony: I s2g

Ian: 5sos
Ian: you're how old

Anthony: seventeen tyvm

Ian: I'm proud of u

Anthony: stfu it's good
Anthony: I bet you haven't actually listened to their albums

Ian: nope

Anthony: do it
Anthony: then tell me what you think

Ian: ...

Anthony: and? opinions?

Ian: how dare you get me into 5sos

Anthony: i DiD iT

Ian: shush you nerd

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