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Anthony: heeeyyy
Anthony: I have jokes
Anthony: wanna hear them?

Ian: fire away you n00b

Anthony: there's a lot
Anthony: prepare your body

Ian: <.< get on with it

Anthony: what do you call a labrador that becomes a magician?

Ian: I have no fucking idea

Anthony: a labracadabrador

Ian: that was bad anthony

Anthony: are you made of copper and telerium bc you're CuTe

Ian: aw ty

Anthony: see science class helps sometimes

Ian: are all those your jokes

Anthony: no I have more

Ian: oh god

Anthony: so this dyslectic man walks into a bra

Ian: that was bad
Ian: tSS

Anthony: don't tss me
Anthony: I have more
Anthony: a hole has been found in the nudist camp. the police are looking into it


Anthony: :)

Ian: is that all?

Anthony: yep

Ian: thanks for those bad jokes

Anthony: you're welcome
Anthony: loser

Ian: nerd

Anthony: dork

Ian: hOw DaRe YoU cAlL mE a WhAlE pEnIs

Anthony: ;)))

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