⋆༺ XVI ༻⋆

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02:23 ━━━━───── 04:14

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"Yeah, me too" he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the rustling of paper. As they sifted through the cluttered desk Hyunjin's attention was drawn to a folder lying on the floor, its cover adorned with swirling calligraphy. He picked it up, noting the poetic title: "Echoes of Eternity? Guys I think I found something!" He yelled and the rest of the team gathered around him.

Opening the folder, Hyunjin's breath caught in his throat as he found detailed descriptions of his brother, Niki. Each observation was written in a poetic language, likening Niki's features to the beauty of nature.

"Niki had the same mole, bone structure, and type of hair," Hyunjin whispered to himself, his fingers tracing the delicate script. He noticed a note scrawled in the margin: "Do not destroy these remnants of a soul."

Meanwhile, Chan had picked up one of the poems scattered on the desk. His brows furrowed as he read aloud:

"'A whisper of night, a shadow of day,

His gaze like stars, his smile a sunray.

In every line, every curve, I see,

Reflections of you, in him you flee.'"

Hyunjin looked up, his heart heavy as he listened to Chan's voice. The poems were her way of expressing her obsession, a twisted form of admiration and longing.

"That's... eerie," Felix commented, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hyunjin nodded, a chill running down his spine. "Yeah. It's like she saw Niki as a reflection of me, and she couldn't let it slip."

Minho, standing nearby, picked up another poem and read it aloud:

"'In the chaos of their battle, you stand alone,

A silent witness to the pain they've sown.

But fear not, Dear  for I shall atone,

And erase the sorrow from your heart's throne.'"

As Minho finished, Hyunjin spoke up, his voice tinged with sadness. "It means she saw Niki and me fighting, and she desired to erase the sorrow in my life, to protect me from pain."

The weight of her fixation hung heavy in the air, suffocating in its intensity. But amidst the darkness, Hyunjin's mind began to unravel. The realization hit him like a freight train, and he spiraled into a series of confusion and terror.

"Wait - WHAT?!" he exclaimed suddenly, his voice trembling. He began to read through the poems frantically, each one revealing her fixation with him and her desire to protect him at all costs.

The others watched in stunned silence as Hyunjin's panic escalated, the weight of her obsession settling heavily upon them. His hands shook as he flipped through the pages, his breath coming in short, uneven gasps. "How could this be?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "How could I not have seen it before? It was so obvious."

Felix broke the silence, his voice firm. "We need to document all of this. Take pictures, notes, everything. This is crucial evidence."

With a sense of urgency, they began to gather the scattered papers, each one a piece of the puzzle that could lead them closer to the truth. Hyunjin, however, remained rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed on the poems before him.

A single tear welled up in Hyunjin's heterochromic eye, shimmering with the conflicting hues of sorrow and confusion. Slowly, it trailed down his cheek, a silent witness to the turmoil within him. Each second seemed to carry a memory of his bewilderment, a testament to the depth of his emotions.

As the tear traced its path down Hyunjin's cheek, time seemed to slow, each moment elongating into an eternity of uncertainty. The world around him blurred into a hazy tableau of shapes and shadows, the distant echoes of his friends' voices muffled against the backdrop of his swirling thoughts.

Hyunjin's mind remained fixed on the tear, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of memories and questions. How had he missed the signs of her obsession? Why had he allowed himself to be blind to her intentions?

The tear reached the curve of his jaw, its journey nearing its end. With a trembling hand, Hyunjin reached up, his fingers brushing against the dampness of his cheek. It was a tangible reminder of the depth of her fixation, a testament to the power she held over him.

Slowly, he lowered his hand, his gaze shifting to the scattered poems before him. Each word seemed to taunt him, a mocking reminder of his own vulnerability. He felt a surge of anger rising within him, a burning desire to confront the woman who had woven this tangled web of obsession and deceit. But beneath the anger, there lingered a thread of fear. Fear of what her obsession could drive her to do. Fear of the darkness that lurked within her soul.

As the others worked around him, Hyunjin remained lost in thought, his mind a tempest of conflicting emotions. The tear had long since dried on his cheek, but its imprint remained, a silent witness to the storm raging within him.

j i h a n

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