⋆༺ XIII ༻⋆

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Lost in the Deam 
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03:13 ━━━━─── 04:00

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The door to the office creaked open, and Chan and Minho stepped inside, their expressions grave. They exchanged a quick, knowing glance as they surveyed the scene before them—the cluttered chaos of files and papers strewn across the table, the intense focus etched on their colleagues' faces.

"Looks like we've got our work cut out for us," Minho muttered under his breath, his sharp eyes scanning the room for any clues.

Chan nodded in agreement, his gaze flickering over the maps and photographs scattered across the table. "No kidding. This case seems to be more complicated than we anticipated."

Felix, the weary leader of their investigative team, looked up from his notes, offering them a tired smile. "Sorry for the mess," he apologized, gesturing to the disarray. "We've been trying to make sense of everything."

As Minho and Chan settled into their seats, Felix began to recap the latest developments, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "We've been poring over the case files again. The victims all bear the same scar, forming an incomplete word, 'Hyun.'"

Hyunjin shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his troubled gaze fixed on the floor. "We also noticed that every victim was associated with me in one way or another. I have a suspect in mind, but there are no files about her, and..." His frustration boiled over, his voice rising with agitation. "I feel like I'm going to go crazy!"

Felix placed a calming hand on Hyunjin's shoulder, his own head throbbing from the previous night's hangout. Chan scanned the room, his sharp eyes landing on the dark-haired boy. "Hyunjin, can you answer some questions? It might help us get a clearer picture."

"Sure," Hyunjin replied, his voice subdued.

"Hyunjin, can you tell us more about your relationship with Nishimura Riki?" Chan's tone was gentle, but his eyes held a determined intensity.

Hyunjin's jaw tightened, memories of his brother flooding back with painful clarity. "Niki... he was my younger brother. We were close, you know? He always looked up to me, followed me everywhere." His voice wavered as he recounted the painful rift between them. "We had an argument once because I noticed his scars... he was self-harming. He was a trainee, and the pressure on him was a lot. I tried to help, I just didn't know how... and then, after a week, he was gone. I saw him, and his cuts, and..." His voice trailed off, choked with emotion.

Chan nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with sympathy. "And after Niki, it was your dance teacher, Mr. Lee, right?"

Hyunjin nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, Mr. Lee... He hated my guts. That's all. I disliked him too, he made my lessons unbearable."

Minho's brow furrowed as he studied Hyunjin's face. "And then it was your PE teacher?"

Hyunjin's lips pressed into a thin line, memories of Coach Han-Park stirring a mix of admiration and discomfort within him. "Coach... He was tough on me, but he cared... maybe too much. He made me uncomfortable all the time!" Hyunjin said with a hint of sarcasm, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

Felix leaned back in his chair, his gaze thoughtful. "It seems like these victims were all significant figures in your life, Hyunjin. Do you think there's a reason she's targeting them?"

Hyunjin's mind raced with possibilities, his heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty. "I don't know... Maybe she's trying to send me a message. Or maybe it's just a sick game to her."

Chan's expression hardened. "Either way, we need to find out. We can't let her keep getting away with this." Minho interjected, his voice firm. "What about the three women? First, the blonde?"

"That's NingNing, or that's what I called her," Hyunjin explained with a shrug. "She was my ex, but she found an actor and left me for him. Not that big of a deal, though. And yeah, the twins..." He let out an embarrassed laugh, his gaze drifting into the distance.

Hyunjin's thoughts drifted to the final victims—the twins he had been involved with in a complicated relationship. "I may or may not have been with them in a threesome... I just... I don't know how to feel about them," he admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "We had a complicated relationship. But they didn't deserve this."

Minho reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Hyunjin's shoulder. "It's okay, Hyunjin. We all have parts of our past we're not proud of. What matters now is finding justice for them."

With a heavy heart, Hyunjin nodded, his determination to solve the case burning brighter than ever. Together, they would unravel the mystery, no matter how painful the truth might be.

As the team huddled closer, deep in discussion, Felix's phone suddenly buzzed with an urgent notification. His eyes widened as he read the message, his expression turning grave.

"What is it?" Chan asked, noticing the change in Felix's demeanor.

"It's from our informant," Felix replied, his voice tense. "She says she has crucial information about the case. But she'll only meet us in person... and it has to be tonight."

j i h a n

we make straykids stay

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