⋆༺ IV ༻⋆

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God's Menu 
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01:08 ━━━━───── 02:48

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Another day of lectures had ended, and Hyunjin was eager to get back to his research. With his bag slung over his shoulder, he wandered back to the cozy café that had become his new favorite spot. The moment he stepped inside, the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted him, and he immediately felt at ease.

As Hyunjin made his way to his usual table, Jisung, the barista from the previous day, spotted him. Without a word, Jisung walked over and gently but firmly led Hyunjin to a less crowded corner of the café. The urgency in Jisung's actions piqued Hyunjin's curiosity.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about yesterday," Jisung began, his voice low and sincere. "I freaked out and didn't handle it well."

"It's okay," Hyunjin replied, trying to ease the tension. "What's going on?"

Jisung took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly. "It's about what you asked me yesterday. It brought back some...memories. I want to explain."

As Jisung spoke, his eyes took on a distant look, and Hyunjin realized he was slipping into his own recollection of the events. The memories flooded back with vivid clarity. Jisung's heart raced as he relived the nightmarish scene once more.




A few nights before, after his shift, Jisung returned to his uncle's house, where he was staying. The usually lively home was eerily quiet. He stepped inside, the door creaking as he pushed it open, and immediately sensed that something was off. The house felt colder, emptier.

"Uncle?" Jisung called out, but there was no response. He walked through the silent rooms, each step making his heart beat faster. The kitchen was dark, no dinner cooking on the stove. The living room was empty, except for the soft glow of the television playing to no one.

A flicker of movement caught his eye. He turned towards the TV room and froze. His uncle was there, slumped in his favorite chair, but something was horribly wrong. Jisung's breath caught in his throat as he approached slowly, the horrifying scene coming into sharper focus.

His uncle had been shot. The lifeless body sat unnaturally still, eyes wide open in a final, silent scream. Blood was drying on his clothes as he looked, the hole in his uncles chest still full of the mashed up insides and a bullet. On his cheek, a piece of skin had been crudely cut out, leaving a ghastly scar. The edges were smooth, as if it had been done with precision, like a surgeon's scalpel. It was a precise and deliberate act, sending shivers down Jisung's spine. Written in flesh of his loved one's the chilling words, "From your secret lover"

Jisung's hands shook as he fumbled for his phone, dialing 112 with trembling fingers. "Help, please," he stammered into the phone. "My uncle... he's been murdered."

The operator's calm voice guided him through the steps, but Jisung's mind was racing. He knelt beside his uncle, looking for any clues, anything that could make sense of the chaos. His eyes fell on his uncle's wrist. There, carved into the flesh, was a single, haunting letter: "H."

The sight of it made Jisung's blood run cold. The realization hit him hard, and he stumbled back, dropping the phone. The operator's voice was still on the line, but Jisung could barely hear it over the pounding of his heart.




Jisung blinked, snapping back to the present. Hyunjin was watching him, concern etched on his face. "The police said that they haven't found any clue who killed him or what was the intentions, but this is probably connected to all the other murders that had that note"

"Thank you for telling me, Jisung," Hyunjin said softly. "This could be important."

Jisung nodded, his expression a mix of fear and determination. "Just be careful, okay? Whoever this is, they're dangerous."

"I will," Hyunjin assured him. He returned to his table, his mind now filled with new questions and a renewed sense of purpose. The café's warm light and comforting atmosphere contrasted sharply with the darkness of the mystery he was unraveling.

As he opened his laptop and began to type, Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. The case was becoming more than just a project—it was a dangerous puzzle, and he was now a part of it.

Hyunjin glanced up from his screen, his thoughts interrupted by a movement outside the café's window. A figure stood across the street, shrouded in darkness, watching the café with an intensity that sent a chill down Hyunjin's spine. Was it just his imagination, or was someone really following him?

He quickly averted his gaze, trying to shake off the unease creeping over him. But the feeling lingered, a nagging presence in the back of his mind. Whoever was behind Jisung's uncle (also hyunjins pe teacher) murder, they were closer than he thought.

Hyunjin's fingers trembled as he typed, the words on the screen blurring before his eyes. But with each passing moment, the shadows seemed to grow darker, closing in around him like a sinister embrace.

And somewhere out there, in the depths of the night, a killer lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike again.

j i h a n

we make straykids stay

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