⋆༺ III ༻⋆

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Black Swan

02:05 ━━━━───── 03:19

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Hyunjin sat at one of the many desks in his college classroom, feeling a sense of detachment. The room buzzed with activity, filled with the murmurs of students and the shuffling of papers, but everyone else was just a blur. He sat at the highest desk, giving him a view of the sea of faces, each one lost in their own world. Everyone was trying to navigate their lives without disappointment, and Hyunjin felt no different—just another unremarkable blur in the maze of memories that made up his life.

"Everyone, today is project day," the professor's voice cut through the noise, commanding attention. "As always, you have a month to prepare a presentation about any murder case. It doesn't have to be solved, but remember, we want facts, not theories!"


The announcement signaled the end of the lecture. Hyunjin gathered his belongings, carefully placing his laptop into his bag. Today was the day to find a quiet spot and dive into his research. He had finished all other tasks in advance to focus entirely on this project — his favorite, since it involved the constant search for clues and unraveling mysteries.

Stepping outside, Hyunjin breathed in the fresh air. The campus was alive with students, but he was focused on finding a new café that had recently opened nearby. He had heard good things about it and decided it would be the perfect place to work.

The café, quaint and inviting, exuded warmth. Its exterior was adorned with potted plants, and soft yellow light spilled out from its windows. Hyunjin pushed open the door, a small bell jingling to announce his arrival. Inside, the atmosphere was cozy, with wooden tables and chairs arranged neatly. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of baked goods.

"Hello! Welcome, what can I do for you?" asked a young man with slightly wavy hair behind the counter, his smile friendly and welcoming.

"Can I get one iced Americano?" Hyunjin replied, glancing at the menu.

"That will be 4,000 Won. Cash or card?" the barista asked, his name tag reading 'Jisung'.

"Card," Hyunjin answered, swiping his card to pay. He chose a table by the window and began to organize his essentials for the research, setting up his laptop, notebooks, and pens.

"Here's your iced Americano, sir," Jisung said, placing the coffee on the table with a practiced grace.

"Thank you. Before you go, can I ask you a question?" Hyunjin inquired, looking up at the barista.

"Sure, what's up?" Jisung replied, his curiosity evident.

"Has anything happened lately, in the murder department?" Hyunjin's question seemed to catch Jisung off guard. The barista's face paled slightly, and his eyes widened in shock. For a brief moment, he seemed frozen, looking at hyunjins direction, but not at hyunjin directly. It was like he was looking at something deep inside his onw brain.

"I-I'm so sorry, sir. I-I don't think I can help you with that, not here, not right now. I'm really sorry," Jisung slapped back to reality, seeing confusion on the mans face. He stammered before retreating hastily to the staff room. Hyunjin found the reaction odd but didn't dwell on it.

Turning his attention back to his research, Hyunjin knew he first needed a topic. It was easy enough; recently, there had been a murder involving someone he knew—or rather, despised, but that was beside the point.

Hyunjin's mind raced with possibilities. The case was chilling, and the fact that it involved someone he had known added an eerie personal touch. He began to delve deeper, searching for any information that could give him a lead. The café's ambiance, with its soft music and the occasional clinking of cups, provided the perfect backdrop for his investigation.

As he sifted through articles and police reports, a pattern began to emerge. The murderer, dubbed "The Noter" by the media, left cryptic messages carved into the victims' bodies. Each note was the same, yet the media haven't disclosed what the carving read. The one clue of every kill that has made it connect was a cut out star on the bodies writst, yet the latest one was diffrent. Instead of a star, a letter 'H' has been wrote. The one that Jeongin was lately talking about. The case was still active, with no clear suspects, making it all the more intriguing.

Topic: The Noter

Kills: at least one

Additional Information: left a note carved into the body, currently unknown, but always the same

Other Details: all previous victims had a star cut out on their wrists. The latest victim had an 'H' instead.

Case Status: still active.

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we make stray kids stay

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