Chapter 05

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In a place shrouded in darkness, the ground glowed a sinister red. Demonic creatures roamed around, their forms barely distinguishable in the dim light. In the center of this desolate landscape stood a pyramid, ominous and foreboding.

A creature resembling a human but with red skin, wings, a long jaw, and sharp claws approached the pyramid. It pushed open the massive gate and stepped inside, the darkness thickening as it moved further in.

In the depths of the pyramid, a glowing red throne became visible. Seated on the throne was a figure, its face obscured by the shadows.

The figure spoke, its voice resonant and commanding. "Naru, what news do you bring?"

"Lord Null, I have both good news and bad news," Naru replied, bowing slightly.

"Start with the bad news," Null commanded.

"Sir, the bad news is that the angel Lun has split his power among humans. These specific humans, known as the Angelic, are now poised to fight against us," Naru explained.

Null chuckled darkly. "That is not bad news to me. No matter how powerful humans become, they can never reach the level of an angel. Have you forgotten that I defeated Lun with ease? It’s amusing that you think I should fear humans wielding Lun's divided power."

"Well, Lord Null, there are rumors that humans with angelic power can potentially become more powerful than angels," Naru added hesitantly.

"Enough of that nonsense," Null snapped. "Now, what's the good news?"

"The seven pillars are nearing completion. The Pillar of Lust has already surpassed its limit today. Soon, we will be free," Naru reported.

"Excellent," Null said, a note of satisfaction in his voice.

"Lord, what will be your plan once you are free?" Naru inquired.

"Plan? It's pointless to devise a plan without knowing the current situation. There will be no plan for now," Null replied, his tone dismissive.

Naru bowed again, retreating into the shadows as Null remained on his throne.

One Day Later -

Samiul and Lu-12 are walking beside a crop field.

"Come on, give me a break. I just woke up from that dream. Where are we going?" asks Samiul, rubbing his eyes.

"We are going somewhere empty, where you can do your training," replies Lu-12, marching ahead with purpose.

"By the way, I want to call you only Lu. Is that okay?" says Samiul.

"No, all the other Angelic crows have names like Lu-11, 12, 13, so if you call me just Lu, it will cause confusion. You can call me by a different name," says Lu-12.

"Okay, I'll call you Smoke then," says Samiul.

"Smoke? Why?" asks Lu-12, tilting his head.

"Well, because it's winter, and you dragged me out here before sunrise. Fog is everywhere. I can't name you Fog because it sounds like Frog, and I hate that. So, I named you Smoke," explains Samiul.

"Okay, I'm fine with the name, but I still prefer Lu-12," says Lu-12.

"No, Smoke is better. I'll call you Smoke from now on," insists Samiul.

"We're here," announces Smoke.

They reach an empty clearing, surrounded by trees.

"Can we change the place?" says Samiul, looking around skeptically.

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