Authors Note

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Allrighty my little weeaboos this story here is a highschool AU about England and his 2P. (IE Arthur and Oliver) See I ship them so friggin hard, and Im very angry that there isn't much fan fiction about them, and there's even less about the ship itself (which I've been calling "sconecakes" huehuehue) so I've taken it upon myself to hopefully further the sconecakes message of caring and sacrifice and cutie patootie little English dorks by writing this. So please, enjoy. Tell your friends, your cousins, that one weird kid in your chemistry class. Go forth and spread sconecakes to the world, as it is gospel.
And also gay.
Very very gay.

OHHH and another thing, first chapter is in Ollies point of view. I couldn't figure out a way to slip it in and I didn't want to explicitly say it was him but it's just so you know. Enjoy🐲👍

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