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"The sky is so beautiful, isn't it? A million stars just light years away that burn so bright they could make you blind? I wonder if there's anyone else living in those stars or next to them and is looking out into the sky I see and wondering the same things I do...
That's probably a bit strange, I suppose, thinking about such frivolous things. But someone has to wonder them, or else the world would starve for want of wonders," The cold grass tickled my cheek as I spoke aloud to no one. The moon being my only companion, I guessed I was talking to him. Or her.
"Are you a boy or a girl, Moon?" I asked as if that ball of rock would respond. "Well people call the Earth "Mother Earth" so perhaps you, too, are a girl? Maybe not a mother, seeing as you have no life but maybe... Maybe youre a child?" My mind wandered over the idea before settling on a decision.
"You, the moon, child of Earth, are a girl and I shall you Luna. Luna the solemn and beautiful," I said, a small smile on my lips.
"Perhaps now that I've befriended you and all of your star brothers and sisters, you'll grant me luck for school tomorrow?"
I cringed, remembering school. How much I didn't like it. I loved learning, really and truly but I resented the way people treated me. Or well, they way they didn't treat me. I was ignored. Avoided. People thought I was strange and dangerous. They went out of their way to avoid me, and as a result I was very, very lonely. But that was okay. I didn't want friends if they didn't want to be my friend. I didn't want anything forced or one-sided. My first friend would be a nice one. A kind, nonjudgmental, beautiful friend. And I waited everyday for them to arrive. Closing my eyes and shooting a small little grin up to the stars, I thought hard.
"Luna and her brothers and sisters, please please please grant me luck to find a friend tomorrow, and, if you would be so kind, give me some strength as well... It gets difficult being so lonely," Finishing my wish, I kissed two fingers on my left hand and then shot them towards the sky, sending my words, my heart, and a lot of hope, up into the stars.

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