Prince Not-So-Charming

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Shit shit shit shit
what did I just do?
What is this feeling in my chest?
Why does he make me feel like this?
I meant everything I said to him, I did. He deserves everything he could ever want and more than that. He makes me feel so happy and... And light.
I feel like my heart is ready to burst when he touches me.
I feel like nothing matters anymore when he smiles.
I feel like I never need to move ever again when I hold him.
I feel like I don't need anyone else as long as he's with me.
I feel like I can't ever be without him.
He makes me feel like a whole person, as opposed to the fragmented, unhappy one I was three days ago before I met him.
He makes me feel like a fool for acting the way I did around him.
For being so weak to him.
For needing to see his smile.
For needing to know him.
For needing to be next him.
For needing to hold him.
For needing to talk to him.
For needing to look at him.
For needing...
Yet here I am, driving away from him.
My inner monologue was flipping around, screaming in my head. Trying to tell me something, trying to drill it into my brain that Oliver was someone I needed.
The first person I've ever needed.
But why?
Why do I need him?
Why can't I live my life without him?
I slammed my hand on the car steering wheel, angry, confused tears falling from my face.
Why does he make me feel like this?
That one was easy to answer, and my mind was quick to respond.
It's because he's beautiful. He's intelligent and sweet and the most amazing person I've ever met.
I drove into my driveway, sort of parking it correctly and then ran into the house, up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door as I entered.
I collapsed onto my bed, guilt and confusion and a number of other negative emotions pouring into me and out of me, in the form of tears on a pillow.
I don't know how long I laid there, but eventually there was a knock at my door.
"Oi, Short Shot, I'm coming in, hope you're decent," Allistor spoke to me through the door.
"Too late," He said, open ending the door.
I turned my face away from him, paying he didn't see me crying.
"Leave me alone Allistor,"
"Hey are you... You cryin?" He asked, amusement in his tone.
"No I'm not now get the fuck out of my room, you prick," I said.
I then felt Allistor's heavy hand hit the back of my head and I whipped around to face him. "What the hell-"
"You are crying," Was all he said.
I turned away from him, wiping my face. "What of it? You just want to make fun of me, I suppose? That's all you ever do, anyway so go ahead."
He looked at me with a look I could only describe as pity, fueling my rage. "Don't look at me like that,"
"I'm sorry," was all he said.
I looked back at him in disbelief.
Did he just apologize to me?
"I'm sorry for being a prick. I just... Is it Oliver?" He asked.
I threw my face into a pillow and turned my back to him.
"So that's a yes. It is him," He sighed and I felt the edge of my bed sink in a little. "Look, I know I'm no relationship expert or anything, but I know you well enough to know that you deny yourself things that make you happy because you're scared of them going wrong. It's why you don't have many friends and why... Why you're crying. Because that boy makes you happy. Real happy. And because you're in love with him, but you can't admit it to yourself,"
I rolled over to look at him.
"Who are you," I asked, awe-struck at his words. "My brother is not capable of talking seriously about anything that doesn't have to do with drink or verbal abuse,"
He smacked the back of my head again.
"Let me finish ya idjit, I'm trying to be sentimental here," I rubbed the back of my head, but didn't stop him when he continued. "What was I saying? Oh yeah, love. You don't believe in it, do you?"
I shook my head. "No. Love is only real in fairy tales-"
"Fairytales are as real as you make them out to be,"
"Your life right now, this," he gestured to the room and all around. "This is your fairytale. You are Prince Charming in this story. Or Prince Dumbass, at the moment. You just abandoned your princess because you don't believe in love, even though you know, in your heart, that you do love him,"
My eyes widened as the realization of the truth of his words hit me like a wrecking ball.
"I need to go," I said.
Allistor stood up and pulled me by my arm. "Get out. Go get your happy ending,"
Everything clicked into place. I could almost feel the cogs turning in my mind, each one falling into a simple rhythm and breaking of its rust.
Fairytales are as real as you make them out to be.
I hugged Allistor briefly.
"Don't get used to this, short shot, I just couldn't deal with you moping around like that, looking real pitiful," He shook his head. "That'll get annoying after awhile. And don't you dare come home for dinner," he added. "Stay up late with that boy. In fact, don't even come home. Sleep with him- I mean at his house,"
I whacked him in the gut which made him hit my head again, but both of us were smiling.
I ran out of the door and into my car, needing to go to him as fast as possible.
I love him.
I couldn't believe how simple that was, or how good it felt to admit it to myself.
I love him.
I've only known him for two days and this is absolutely insane but I love him.
This didn't feel real.
But it is real.
It's a fairytale.
It's an unbelievable,
And it is all true.
And it's all mine.
All that's missing is my prince and my happy ending.
I got to Oliver's house in less than ten minutes, slipping through several red lights and driving at a very dangerous speed. I hopped out of the car, not even bothering to lock it and stepped up onto his porch, my heart beating wildly and my earlier confidence faltering.
What if he doesn't love me?
What if he just wants to be friends?
What if he hates me now because I left him like that?
Oh god, way to go, Prince Dumbass.
I sighed, swallowing my terror, and knocked.
Can't go back now.
There was a pause before I heard the door unlock. Oliver opened the door slowly and I saw he had the lights off in the house, and it was obvious he had been crying. "Arthur?"
"Uh... hi," I said.
Hi? That's all you can come up with? Hi?
"What.. Are you okay?" He said, frowning. "You ran off earlier..." He sounded so hurt at that and it made my heart ache.
"I wasn't. But I am now," I said. I could feel my knees shaking. "A-are you okay? I didn't mean to run off like that I just-"
"I know, I know. You got scared I was going to freak out on you or something and you got scared and left. It's fine, you don't have to keep pretending to be my friend. I'm fine," He said. He looked like he was about to cry again, and at his words I also felt like I could cry. I was too frozen to say anything.
"Please leave Arthur. Leave me alone," He whispered. He tried to close the door but at his final words, my body started to work again. I stuck a foot in his door, preventing it from closing.
"Wait," I said.
He swung the door back open, this time actually crying. His voice was weak.
"What Arthur? What do you want from me? What do you want?"
I stepped into the house and closed the door, and then held him by his cheeks and leaned down and kissed him. It was short and sweet but it sent shockwaves through me nonetheless and made me knees even weaker than they were before. My face was on fire and I somehow managed to look him in the eyes as confessed to him.
"I want to love you. I want to spend every hour I have with you. You make me want to dance and laugh and be childish and foolish and I feel okay doing those things because you are the one making me feel them and I-I love you. And I know that that's insane because I've only known you for two days but I meant what I said earlier. I've waited my entire life for you. I realize now that the reason I've waited is because I was meant for you. I was meant to love you, and now that I do, I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I don't want to. You make my life a fairytale," I finished.
He looked like he had gone into shock. He was frozen in his spot. His eyes did that soul-searching thing again and my heart was beating so loud I knew he could hear it. After some sort of eternity he whispered to me.
"You spoke without thinking,"
I let my head drop, backing up from him, ready for my rejection.
But instead of that, he pulled me in by my collar and kissed me. It was deeper and more romantic than the first, and everything he didn't say was put into that kiss, and I understood perfectly. After a minute or so, he pulled back and rested his forehead on my chest, hands still gripped onto my shirt collar.
"If soulmates exist, than you have to be mine. If you're not, than I don't care. I've waited my entire life for you to come along, and you've waited your entire life for me. If that isn't what a soulmate is then I don't want one," He said. "I just want you. Whatever you are, whoever you are, everything you are. I want you." He finished with a small smile on his face, his earlier tears disappearing from his face.
I pulled him into a huge hug, my arms around his waist and his around my neck before answering.
"I just think we are lucky enough to be in each other's stories,"
"You are my story," he said in that matter-of-fact way. I chucked a bit and kissed his head.
"And you are my world," I said, stealing his line from earlier.
He smiled up at me before putting his cheek to my chest.
"Can I ask you something?" He said after I moment.
"Anything," I replied, without hesitation.
"So earlier, when we were in your kitchen and you said that I smelled like peonies and sugar and that it-"
"You want me to finish what I was going to say then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm just curious," He said, trying to shrug it off as if it was nothing.
"Well, if you really want to know..." I smirked and then held his face with one hand. "What I was going to say was: You smell like peonies and sugar, and it makes me wonder if you taste like sugar too,"
His face got even redder and he let out a little squeak as his eyes widened.
"Uh- I- Um.. I-I... Uh,"
I smirked at his flustered face, enjoying that I could do that to him. Though he could probably do the same to me.
A little breath escaped from his lips and he looked at his feet, trying very hard to withhold his blush and regain his composure.
"You're so cute, Ollie," I said, hoping to pull him out of it.
He playfully swatted my stomach and then I pulled him back to me, his body fitting into me like a puzzle piece. I felt complete, I felt whole. I felt like he was everything I've ever needed and wanted, and now that I've met him I could never go back to life without him.
He sighed into me and then spoke, his voice soft and relaxed. "What do want to call this Arthur?"
I spoke without thinking.
"Happily ever after,"

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