Chapter Three: Feast

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I managed to avoid Ares for the next week of training, Athena waking me at dawn to spend the day pushing me in combat and magic.
She encouraged and corrected me, often harshly, but with a determination that sang a song of strength inside of me. Strength she intended to unlock.
Hephaestus was charged with designing a weapon for each Champion.
For me, he created a guilded blade of silver, etched with lightning bolts that could withstand imbuing of magic, and as Hephaestus as mentioned with a wink
"Sharp enough to cleave a Gorgons head from its shoulders." The words had shaken me, but they were laced with encouragement. I had bowed deeply when I thanked him, grateful the God of the Forge had no interest in me other than to see how well I did.
Athena would only let me stop to drink and eat at lunch, giving me ten minutes to run from the training field to the dining hall and back.
It took me two days to get fast enough to do it and not miss lunch, or have Athena drag me from the hall as I got there.
Then, she'd push me until the sun had set and I was practically asleep on my feet, parrying and casting.
Zeus had come to see me shortly after, he had heard of Ares' attempts on 'wooing' me, as Father called it.
He gifted me with a necklace of gold, enchanted to inform him if Ares tried again to control me.
I wore it with pride, a gift from my God who wanted to see me thrive amongst them.
The evenings I had entered the Grand Eating Hall before bed, I'd found Ares and his Champion Kael sitting and talking quietly after their own training.
Ares training was brutal, it was evident in Kael's appearance of scarred, bloody or beaten.
After seeing his black skin sliced open and bleeding as he ate, Ares watching me one evening while I'd sat alone. The God speaking just loud enough for me to hear foul words of appreciation about my appearance, Kael never commented, only grunted or mumbled something around his food.
I now only entered long enough to take a handful of food and then retire to my room to eat, a shield of magic around me to keep Ares at bay and remind him I wasn't a weak mortal.
He'd smile at me when his magic hit my shield, finding it unbreakable. I'd flipped him off the last time he had tried, earning a hearty chuckle from Athena through my thoughts.
Most nights I wouldn't dream, too exhausted to even try. But occasionally, when the nightmares tried to break through, Eros would appear.
He wove magic over my fears, soothing them with romance and love until I no longer screamed in pain, but pleasure.
Before I knew it, the first Trial had arrived.
Zeus held our first feast for the Champions, each designed and imbued with the magic of whatever God had been chosen to create our opponents. We were first called to the Hall of Gods to receive our blessings and good lucks from the Gods and Goddesses.
Before the first trial, they would bless us with good fortune in our endeavours. 
We each kneeled before the thrones, the auras of the Gods bearing down on us.
Our Mentors stood behind us, I could feel Ares eyes on my back when I stepped forward, kneeling to receive my blessings.
Aphrodite's eyes glinted with interest as she blessed me, a warmth and serenity covering my heart and fueling me with courage. Hers was the only blessing I felt backed by magic.
Athena had given me a knowing smile when I'd returned to her side.
Once blessed, we were led to the Feast Hall, it was a grand, high-ceilinged chamber filled with the warm glow of golden torches and the soft sheen of polished marble. The scent of roses and a pink glow filled the room.
The walls were adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes of DemiGod revelry, when we moved into the room, the air turned thick with the savory scents of roasting meats and freshly baked bread.
Long tables enchanted with endless sumptuous delicacies, served by nymphs in slips of enticing fabric, the wine was served by Satyr men. The Saytrs danced around us Champions, one playing a flute, weaving songs of love and carefreeness with magic. I steeled my mind, shielding it from them and taking my goblet of silver with a curtsey.
I saw Kael and Theron were not as well trained against the seduction, Theron being taken by the hand by a Nymph who pulled him into the dance floor, his eyes glazed and a docile smile on his face.
Kael had a dazed look in his eyes, but did well enough to stay still, only swaying slightly to the music.
The room was filled with the Gods and Goddesses, their children and some mortal, honoured to join the celebration. The sound of laughter and music filled the air. A masterful blend of elegance and excess, a true testament to the Gods' love of luxury and celebration.
There was only one God I knew who would create such a feast.
"Champions! Welcome!" Eros floated above, his arms wide in greeting. His smile was radiant as he descended, landing before Kael and I.
His chiseled features and piercing eyes were aglow with mischief.
He wore a belted tunic, his wings shining with their ethereal glow on full display.
"Are we missing one?" Eros teased, looking across the Mentors behind us.
Hephaestus growled and disappeared into the crowd for a moment, returning with Theron who he had by the shoulder. Theron looked embarrassed and I could hear the trilled laughter of a happy Nymph.
I hid my giggling in a cough, catching Eros' knowing eye and we shared a coy smile before he address us all.
"Tomorrow, you will each face three of my creations," he smiled wickedly at us. "I warn you, they are more charming than my creations here." His wings fluttered, shimmering and mesmerising me for a moment as he looked over our attire.
Each of us still wore our Demi God attire of togas and our heritage symboling.
Eros' nose scrunched. "You all look terrible, I won't have it."
He clicked his fingers and we were enveloped in a cloud of pink mist and rose for a moment.
My white toga dress was changed to a rose-red dress that sparkled like starlight and hugged my figure perfectly.
Theron and Kael wore suits of human design, though they did look handsome.
Eros smiled, his eyes landing on me.
"Much better," he grinned.
I blushed, hiding it as I bowed.
Athena touched my shoulder and guided me to our table, Aphrodite and Hermes sitting beside each other waiting.
Aphrodite, her waves of golden hair fell down her back, a dress of opalescent fabric hugging her figure. Her blue eyes were a pool of warmth and love, if I wasn't careful, I would stare into them for hours.
Hermes wore a sleeveless tunic belted at the waist, his strong and tanned arms and legs on display. He had short spikey brown hair and his shoes of winged design shimmering in the light.
They smiled as Athena and I approached
"Aphrodite, Hermes," I greeted with a bow before sitting.
Hermes laughter brought a smile to my face, a whimsical trill of delight.
"You look stunning, Penelope!" He chuckled, his eyes washing over my dress.
Aphrodite's eyes shined. "Yes, I see my son has chosen you as a favourite. He is a fan of rose-red." Her voice was a gentle stream that soothed my heart, even though I blushed at her words.
Hermes gave another musical laugh. "He does have wonderful taste!" He perched his chin onto his palms, his elbows resting on the table as he grinned at me. 
I gave a giggle, rolling my eyes playfully at the Messenger God. "And you have wonderful taste is mischief, Hermes."
Hermes gave a delighted giggle, his eyes shining. "Oh, she likes to play? How is her wit?" He met Athena's eye.
She sat beside me, a small smile on her face as she sipped her glass of ambrosia.
"By all means, Hermes, test the little Goddess yourself." She rose, smiling down at me. "I'll be back to see how you do." I swallowed a lump of fear and worry as I watched her leave into the crowd of dancers, Theron in the midst surrounded by Nymphs and dancing without a care, Hephaestus at his table looking annoyed.
Kael and Ares sat at a table two away from me, but I could feel the heated gaze of the War God on me.
I turned to Hermes, setting my hands on the table interlaced and smiled at him.
He gave a laugh, folding his arms on the table and leaning towards me. "Oh, you're already so fun!" He took a healthy sip of his ambrosia, smiling. "Do you like riddles?"
I gave a breathy laugh, delighting him as I teased. "What God doesn't?"
Aphrodite smiled over her cup at my words.
Hermes shuffled, moving to the seat beside me. "Wonderful answer! Now, see if you can answer this." He thought for a moment, I guessed more for my amusement than to actually think, before he clicked his fingers and pointed at me.
"What is one thing that is always coming, but never arrives?"
I gave him a teasing smile, touching my chest in mock-insult. "You wound me Hermes! It is a classic! Even a mortal knows this one!"
He gave me an expectant look. "Ah, but do you?" He teased.
"Tomorrow, Hermes. The answer is tomorrow." I answered with another playful eye roll.
He clapped his hands in delight. "Wonderful! Now, what can be given, but never sold?" He resumed his posture of watching me with intrigue and delight.
I tapped my chin in thought, letting the mischievous God think he'd stumped me for a moment before I answered. "A promise."
We shared a beaming smile.
Hermes giggled with delight, touching my arm with a warm hand. "You are clever!" He turned to Aphrodite who watched with a keen eye, saying nothing.
"Do you have one for her, oh Goddess of Love?" Hermes asked, giving her a dramatic bow from his seat.
She gave a laugh, the sound of wind chimes and wonder. "I'm sure I can think of something." She placed her cup down, looking at me with her captivating eyes.
I put up a mental shield against it, seeing the glint in her eye as I did.
She gave a breathy chuckle that sent shivers through me. "My dear Penelope, you are quite a creature."
I blushed and ducked my eye, causing her to laugh again.
"What is one thing given, but never received?" She asked, her delicate finger tracing the rim of her goblet, it hummed under her touch.
I had to shake the feeling of her natural allure, the room was already filled with enough love magic and influence, if I wasn't careful, I'd be as mindless as Theron was right now.
Who was currently shirtless and grinding against a Nymph, Hephaestus had his head in his hands.
I met Aphrodite's eye and smiled. "A compliment, oh beautiful Goddess."
Her lips curled in an amused smile. "You are a clever one," she raised her glass to me and I raised mine to her.
"I need to be, if I wish to keep up with wondrous beings such as you." She gave a laugh of delight, waving me off and I swear I saw the Goddess of Love blush.
Hermes gave a loud laugh, holding his stomach as he leaned back into his chair.
The scent of roses amplified and a soft breeze tickled my back.
Warm hands fell on my shoulders, squeezing them gently, lovingly.
"Charming the Gods, are we Penelope?" Eros' breathed into my ear.
I sighed at his presence, the smell of roses and the feeling of love, holding me like a lovers embrace. Hermes gave a docile giggle, influenced by the Gods of Loves presence.
"I'm trying to, but I think you have just outdone me." I gave Eros a teasing smile, his wings fluttered behind him, wafting more rose scented air across my face.
"I'm sure you were doing just fine," he winked. I giggled, rolling my eyes at him.
He grinned at my action.
"I see your magic has captured a Champion, my son." Aphrodite praised, looking into the crowd at Theron.
I didn't dare look, hearing Hephaestus scolding him, telling me he had fallen deep under the allures of Eros' magic.
Eros glanced behind him, giving an amused smile before he looked back at his radiant mother.
"Wasn't the one I was hoping for, I'll admit. Still mighty fun though." He met my eyes with a wink, causing me to blush and look away, hiding my expression in a sip of wine.
The liquid sparked against my tongue, filling it with wonder and a taste of love.
I moaned at the taste, seeing Aphrodite's knowing smile, Hermes delighted clapping and a fire of excitement in Eros' piercing blue eyes.
"If my wine can make such a noise for your lips, imagine what I could do for you?" He whispered seductive, his voice low enough for only I to hear.
I gave a hearty laugh. "I'm aware of your allure, Eros." I teased, the dreams we'd shared shining in our eyes. "You are a temptation, but one I will deny."
Hermes laughed and Aphrodite smiled at me.
Eros smirked, pulling away and standing straight beside me. "For now, little one." He winked and disappeared into the crowd of dancers.
I turned back to my table, letting out a heavy sigh, feeling off.
Athena appeared beside me, sitting down seeming to know I needed her.
"Are you alright, Penelope?" She touched my shoulder and I felt suddenly so tired, it was an effort to keep my head up.
My body became led and something pressed against my mental shield.
I managed to look around the room, finding the source of the magic through my haze.
Ares crimson eyes blazed as he watched me, a cruel smirk on his face.
A cold shiver ran through me.
Get out of my head, Ares. I hissed, seeing his eyes widen in surprise.
I had not shown anyone my ability of telepathy, only Athena and Zeus.
Zeus had suggested using it next time Ares tried to toy with me.
It seemed to work. His power receded, my body lightening but the tiredness remained.
Athena scowled at Ares as she grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet. I wavered a moment, trying to catch my balance as the room spun.
"Come, Penelope." Athena instructed, her magic strengthening my legs enough I could follow her.
It wasn't until we were halfway to my room, I regained some control.
"Why is he doing this?" I whispered, feeling pathetic and weak.
Athena held me by the shoulder, leading me in front of her. "Ares knows you are strong. He is trying to test you."
My chest heaved from a heavy breath. "For what purpose?" I asked, exhausted. Athena squeezed my shoulder, stopping me out the front of my room before I could grab the handle.
She turned me so we faced each other. Her grey eyes were dark and I almost recoiled from the anger.
"He wants your power. You are strong, even for a Demi God, Ares can sense this and he intends to claim you for himself."
I shook my head, tears forming in anger as my fists curled. "He can take a swim in the River." I growled. "I will earn my place here, no God is stopping me."
Athena smiled proudly and touch my chin in a light tap. "That's my Champion." She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me in a hug, the first hug she had even given me. I gave her a tight squeeze, earning a chuckle from her as she pulled back.
"Get some sleep, your fight is at dawn."
I sighed, saying under my breath. "I wonder which God chose that." Athena gave me a light tap on the rear as I ducked into my room, giggling with delight.
We shared a final smile before I closed the door. "Goodnight, Athena."
"Good night, little Goddess." Her words warmed my heart and as I slept, Eros visited me.
Not to weave my dreams into sexual fantasy, but a quiet mountain view from Olympus, where he held me close and whispered sweet nothings in my ear, encouraging and loving. Words of a gentle love and romance that blossomed on that mountain. I felt myself give in to Eros, felt the shield on my heart slip a little in his presence.
Just as his did in mine.
The God of Love had me falling and if I wasn't careful, I would fall too far. His heart was as warm and loving, as it was cold and hateful. He had caused and seen more heartbreak that I could ever imagine.
Love was his battle ground and if I kept fighting on it, I would lose.
Not only my place in Olympus, but possibly myself completely.
I woke just before dawn, my rose-red dress still over the chair of the table Eros had summoned for me when he'd saved me from Ares.
I grabbed it and stuffed it into the armoire, shoving my emotions and feelings into it as well.
I was Athena's warrior, Zeus' Champion and daughter.
I wouldn't become some mindless lovesick mortal to the Gods whims.
Athena had said I was strong, even for a Demi God.
Maybe it was time to show Olympus what that meant.
If Eros, or any other God wanted me, they'd have to prove their worth, else I would strike them down when they failed.
I belted my blade in the sheath of my golden armour dress, a gift from Athena.
A lightning bolt branded both my cuffs and I pulled my hair back with a band of gold.
When I opened the door, Athena stood waiting, her arms crossed and a proud smile on her face.
"You look ready for battle." She noted.
I set her with a determined expression. "I feel like I could kick a Gods ass." She gave a laugh and guided me to the training field.

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