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I've never thought about being inside someone else's mind, feeling their emotions, or understanding their actions. My stalker makes me want to though. To barge into his head when he does anything I don't understand.

"I'm sorry."

Like now.

"What are you doing?" I say to Hyunjin complete shock making its way into my lungs as I gasp, staring down at him on the floor in front of me. My fingers grip the couch for support. He's doing it again, making my heart beat like crazy. I never thought someone like him could be capable of apologizing on his knees.

"I know I always act out on my emotions but this time I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rough with you in there." Hyunjin's eyes don't leave mine as each soft and serious word leaves his lips.

Those same lips I kissed today in the storage room. Gosh, why did I have to go do that? "Uh-" is all I can respond with as I feel way too many emotions at once inside.
It's hard to tell if he's earnestly apologizing right now but why do I want to forgive him? I mean I was the one who started shouting first. Still, why would he create such a lie to cause this mess in the first place?

"Why would you say that..." I trail off softly to myself. Watching Hyunjin's face sink into an expression of deeper regret. I realize he can't possibly know what I'm talking about since I didn't mean to ask out loud.

Really it's all his fault I'm like this right now. All dysfunctional. Because why would he drive me home, hold onto me the entire time we walk up to my apartment then unlock the door for me like I'm incapable of doing so? He even sat me down on the couch and gave me a glass of water. And now why is he on the floor in front of me looking like he's about to beg me to believe he's sorry? Doing all these things when he knows I have a soft spot for him isn't fair.

"Why would you say we're together when we're not?" I ask Hyunjin, this time fully focusing on him.

He stares at me then sighs "Can't you just forgive me and forget about it all? you already made it clear that you don't want to be with someone like me." His hand rests on my knee and I'm hit with chills as I look down.

Standing up from my seat on the couch I say to him "Come."


Hyunjin's pov

I've never been this much on the edge with him I guess I can say I always know what to expect with Felix, but not today, not right now.

Following closely behind him he pushes his bedroom door open allowing us both to enter. He walks straight up to his dresser and pulls his drawer open, looking for something in silence. And I just stand there, staring confused while my nerves flare up with each passing second he doesn't say anything.
Me? Nervous? I can't believe the things one person can do to me. I wasn't even nervous the first time I presented my art at one of the most prestigious galleries in Europe in front of other artists. But now in front of Felix Lee–the one I love, I'm finding it hard to even stay still.

Running my good hand through my hair I breathe out. Immediately feeling my body still as Felix turns around. His gaze lands on my face then roams down my body and back to my eyes again he asks "Why are you just standing in front of the door?"

"I um–I didn't.." Can't think. He's so pretty all I can do is stare. I swear I notice something about him that makes him more beautiful every day.

𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗐𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗄-𝖧𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗅𝗂𝗑 [Short story] Where stories live. Discover now