January 1

9 1 0

Marcus' P.O.V.

I wake up and stretch, my body completely sore because I was sleeping on a damn sofa again.

"Good morning or better say afternoon to you.", Mum says and I grab my phone to check the time.

It's 2 pm. Wonderful.

Mum sits next to me, kissing my cheek.

"Where's Daisy?", I ask and Mum laughs.

"The first thing that comes to your mind. She's sleeping, we were talking last night."

"I hope you.."

"Marcus. We had a talk. We agreed on many things and let's say I like her."

"So, Mum approved?"

She hits the back of my head and kisses me again.

"Where are Alisha and Jay?"

"At Quan's."

"You must be fucking joking.", I say, looking bewildered.

"Marcus. He's trying. So is Alisha. They have a child. I do believe in second chances. She's also started therapy. That Daisy's friend and she are talking every Friday. Besides, she supports your relationship. You should try to be the best brother she can have. "

"Is Daisy a junkie? Did Daisy abuse me? "

"Marcus.. As far as I know, he never laid a finger on her. There were insults on both sides and it was really toxic. But, when he found out about stealing and how she simply lost herself, he decided to ask for help. They are both trying and Jay is happy. He didn't like his father at all, but now he's kind of fond of him. "

"Mum.. Please. Alright. Whatever. I don't want to listen to this anymore. I forbade Daisy to talk about this and you won't talk about this either. "I warn as I put on my slippers.

"You can't boss people around, thinking that everyone is wrong, but you. Alisha told me how you left Daisy. Shameful. So, as you can see, we all make mistakes and shall be allowed to show remorse, apologise and try to do better. That's what Quan is doing. Believe it or not, he's drinking strawberry and apple juice. He gained some weight, so he looks decent. And Alisha seems happier. Let them be, Marcus."

"Whatever. ", I repeat and slam the bathroom door.

Quan wasn't a bad kid. If anything, he was rather likeable. But he involved with wrong people. And I'm not sure he will be able to escape it as easy as Mum and Alisha say. It's a vicious circle and I can't bring myself to trust him.

As I brush my teeth and wash my face, I head to Mum's bedroom and see Daisy.

"Shawty.", I whisper, kissing her cheek. She smiles a bit and I kiss her neck and then her forehead.

"Wake up. It's like 3 pm."

"Fuck.", she says and I laugh.

I aim to kiss her lips and she stops me.

"Morning breath."

"Give me a kiss.", I say winking at her and she pecks my lips, stretching.

"Fine.", I say and Mum comes in.

"Good morning, Mrs Patricia."

"Good morning, Daisy. Did you sleep well?", she asks, caressing her hair.

"Yes. Thank you so much for your hospitality."

"Don't mention it. I'm going to bring some biscuits to Mrs Johnson. I have to check her glucose and blood pressure as well, but I'll be back soon."

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