Part 30

21 1 10

I'm sick rn and I pulled a few muscles, I'm still dizzy and my lips are still pale they have some cracks and my period started.

My parents don't know what is going on in my life and they don't know how much my mental health has declined, I can barely handle any loud noises anymore and one of my only ways of coping is through the arts that is one of the only reasons I don't have a panic attack every single hour.

I got told to kill myself by someone who knows I'm suicidal and told me that specifically to get me to commit, I've been comforting everyone else with their problems but they never comfort me.

I had to stay home today but one of my friends made me feel bad about it, they claim to know me well but they don't know when I'm faking a smile or when my anxiety is kicking in they only make it worse, and I feel bad that I'm not able to really be happy around them because I'm forced to do stuff I don't like.

My focus has been declining and I'm shaking more often, I'm getting sick more often than usual.

Everyone keeps on misgendering me they always refer to me using she/her pronouns when I use he/they/ze/fae/xe/it pronouns, and whenever I correct them they always just forget it or simply don't care.

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