16 Error: File Unable to Download

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A/n: This poem is unconventional compared to my usual and addresses the vast contrast in common sense between those born in a time before technology took over the world and those poor souls born afterwards.


It seems like not every file was downloaded when this generation was born.
Call it a file error, an infected zipped file that cannot be unzipped.

Or perhaps the files were hacked?
Precious data was lost,
Precedessors did not back these up to a cloud storage...

Oh what has becometh of this generation?
Their ability to feel,
To understand,
To think for themselves,
Was lost to a trojan horse.

Developers cannot recover those files,
They've been overwritten.

Maybe someday, someone will discover the traces of emotion,
The LPs and tapes,
Way before the compact discs and Digital video discs.
When we thought for ourselves,
And wrote letters not emails

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