Out of Time

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Shi-oh was taken aback by her unexpected action and was unable to respond. He had dropped the handkerchief in surprise a moment earlier.

Nam-soon's eyes twinkled mischievously as she gazed at Shi-oh with delight, temporarily setting aside her concerns about Hong Jeong-hon's life.

Nam-soon was struck by the sudden realization that it was truly remarkable for Shi-oh to be standing before her, alive and well. She saw it as a precious gift to be able to spend every moment with him and didn't want to squander this chance.

Time seemed to freeze as she kissed his lips, and she couldn't help but ponder if spending more time with him in the past could have led to a different outcome. Would his past self have made different choices regarding his life?

Will she have the strength to suppress her emotions and erase the memories, knowing that every time she sees him, she's reminded that he was the one who took her beloved's life?------
His own life.

That's why every time she looks at Shi-oh, Nam-soon will pause, wordlessly smiling, filled with gratitude that he is alive and well. His life is the most precious thing she can ever have and she wanted to treasure it. She wants him to live for a long, long time--- with her.

His eyes, his lips, his warm hands, his entire existence. She loves every part of him, even his flaws.

She raised her hand and gently held his cheeks.

Will you tell me your answer to my confession now?

She let him hold her wrist and smiled as she can be in close proximity with him once again.

I told you to take your time.
But I think if you took a long time.
My heart may burst from waiting for too long.
*Smiles mischievously as she thought of something*
Because my heart only beats for you.

Shi-oh, who was caught off guard, couldn't get a word out from Nam-soon continous love words attack.

He loosen his grip on her wrist, but Nam-soon caught his hand and interlock it with hers.

He gazes into her eyes, pondering what she finds in him.
Her eyes are fixed on him, filled with adoration that both frightens and delights him.

Shi-oh breathes in deeply as Nam-soon tenderly cups his cheeks, He doesn't know why, but he feels a comforting warmth in his heart.

Shi-oh places his hand over hers that was cradling his cheeks

"Tsetseg, I---"

Geumju: What are you doing?!
*she exclaims loudly, unable to control her tone*

Before he could utter a word, a shrill voice interrupted him.

They turned to follow the sound of the voice that shattered the sweet bubble they had been wrap in moments ago, causing it to burst due to an unexpected disturbance.

They saw two women, one lady dress in flamboyant yellow feminine suit, and the other dress in neutral black outfit carrying a tablet on her left hand.
Its easy to tell which one is the boss and the employee.

Geumju received a call from Kang Hee-sik, informing her that her daughter was at the E.R. There had been an incident, but before he could explain further, Geumju abruptly ended the call and rushed to the hospital.

Inside, she ran frantically, searching for her daughter, only to find her, locked in a kiss with Ryu Shi-oh, the rumored boss of a drug cartel she had uncovered from Opulentia.

She hadn't taken any action yet, lacking evidence to destroy his operation and put him behind bars.

But here she was now, witnessing her daughter gazing affectionately at the man who ran a drug business, a very enterprise she had sworn to eradicate from the country.
Anger coursing through her, she shivered and called for them to halt.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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