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Reminder that the last day to sign up for the awards is June 30, 2024, 3PM EST.

Readers and Writers make sure that you have all read the rules very carefully The Creative Writing team will be looking over whom have followed the rules and will be able to move to the next step in the voting section of the awards.

As of right now, there are issues in people reading the rules. There is still enough time to edit and resubmit the sign up that was already placed in the sign ups from the specific category everyone has placed their submission on there. Everyone has 16 days before the submitions close.

Also, if you place in you submition is in any of the genres, it will not count it if it is in another language other than English must be placed under Other Languages. We placed the Other Language Section for everyone to place their language stories on there. Please make sure you place your story in the correct spot, or it will not count.

Also as stated in the rule if writers are signing up for the Special Awards they are not allowed to participate in the genre awards. The writer will be disqualified from the awards.

Also, if you place more than one story in one genre, the submission will not count, and we won't allow the submission to move forward into the voting section. Final reminder to check your submissions.

The Creative Writing Awards 2024Where stories live. Discover now