ch. 2

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(If I'm writing in italics, assume flashback!)

I was out on my smoke break when the sound of the door being kicked open disturbed my thoughts. I looked up to see none other than Kriewald saunter out and sit down. He flung his hairnet of and his fall of long luscious hair fell past his shoulders. I swore I could smell the Panteen shampoo he used waft over to where I was sitting. At least I thought it was Panteen.

He must have noticed I was staring at him because his eyes suddenly fell on me and he smirked. My face burned with embarrassment as I quickly took my phone out of my apron and pretended to browse through it. Kriewald made a rude noise, obviously annoyed at my lame cover up.

"Take a picture, it will last longer, baby girl." He cooed, that annoying half smile never leaving his face. I scoffed at his pet name before I snuffed out my cigarette into the pavement.

"Don't call me that." I snapped at him, locking my phone and standing up to go inside. I heard him chuckle behind me as I pulled the door open, but before I could step through it, I felt him catch my wrist.

"Wait." He said in a husky voice, his brown eyes boring into mine. "Can I at least have your number?"

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