ch. 4

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I saw his hand hesitate on the doorknob before he shut the door and slid off his jacket. This time he did not hang it up in the coat closet. Instead he draped it over a dining room chair, before coming over to me and falling back heavily into the couch. His arm instantly wrapped around my body and pulled me against his.

"Of course I'll stay, all you had to do was ask." Will mumbled into my neck.

"Will you put me to bed?" I ask, holding my arms out and making grabby hands at him. He rolled his eyes before smiling at me and poking my nose.

"Of course, baby girl." He says, swinging me up into his arms bridal style and carrying me up the stairs to my bedroom. He kicked the door open with his foot before gently laying me down in bed. Will kissed my forehead before climbing in next to me, his jeans hitting the floor in the process.

I was surprised when I felt him crawl under the covers next to me, cradling me to his chest. This was the first time Will had ever done this with me, but damn was there fireworks going off right now. My whole body was tingling at the feel of his touch and it was so foreign to me I almost didn't know how to handle it.

One of his hands rested on my stomach and his other hand rested on my hip. Our legs were intertwined with each others and my head was resting on his chest. Our bodies felt like they were morphing together like silly puddy.

"Will?" My voice cuts through the darkness like a knife.

"What?" He asks sleepily, yawning afterwards.

"Do you like me?" I ask quietly, barely audible.

But he sure as hell heard it.

"Uh-um what?" He stuttered, lifting his hand from my side to scratch his neck.

"Do you like me?" I repeat, feeling my confidence start to shatter. I rolled away from him, facing the wall. Embarrassment hit me like a train and suddenly I wanted to be somewhere far away from here and far away from him.
"Don't be silly, of course you don't."

I let out a shakey breath before he swiftly turned me around harshly. I winced at the suddenness of his actions, almost waiting for something bad to happen.

"Hey." He said harshly, his voice laced with anger. "Don't ever fucking say that."

"Huh?" I questioned, feeling slightly confused.

"Why is your self esteem so goddamned shitty, Ellie?" Will asked. He seemed really annoyed with me now. "Anyone with fucking eyes can see I'm head over heels in love with you."

My heart felt like it was about to stop.



William James Kriewald was in love with me? No. It had to be a sick joke.

"Yes, I said it, Ellie May Boureguard. I am balls deep in love with you." He admitted, running his fingers over my knuckles, begging for entrance to hold my hand. Of course, I let him.

"Willy... why didn't you tell me?" I asked, snuggling into his chest and curling his hair around my finger. I felt him breathe in a deep breath before releasing it again.

"I was nervous, ok?" Will said, squeezing my hand out of frustration. "I went back on my own stupid 'no strings attached' rule and I didn't know if you would feel the same about me."

I felt my face flush when I heard him say that. I felt like the most special person in the world right now, like I had just won the Olympics or something. The feeling was indescribable, really. It was a mixture of everything at once, and it felt like my chest was going to explode.

Untitled Part 1Where stories live. Discover now