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You were just walking through the hallways on your way to engineering to get to work when the ships bullies noticed you. You sighed as you saw them look at you then whisper to each other. The things they said didn't bother you, they were just annoying. They sneered at you and pointed out some of your flaws making jokes, which still didn't upset you, but you really had to get to work and pretty soon you were going to be late so you tried to push past them. That didn't work out too well. But, it just so happened that Scotty was nearby and noticed your dilemma. He ran over and told the bullies off and said if they ever were mean to you again he would tell the captain. "Are you alright Lassie?" "Yeah Scotty. Thanks for the help." "I just don't understand why they would treat such a beautiful girl like yourself so mean." "Thanks Scotty but it really doesn't bother me. They're just words unless you give them the power to hurt you. Their insults were getting old but when they blocked me from getting to work...thanks again for stepping in." "Anytime y/n. Hey listen, do you want to get a drink with me? I'm sure they can manage down in engineering for an hour or so without us." "I'd love that Scotty." you said with a smile. "Then let's go." he said offering his arm. You took it and together walked down to the bar. When you got there you ordered your drinks, you got a root beer and Scotty of course, got a small glass of Scotch. You sat talking for awhile and then the conversation lulled. After about a minute Scotty spoke up. "Y/n there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I've kind of had a bit of a crush on you for quite awhile and seeing those bullies treat you that way today, well, I just wanted to say that I'll always be there if you need me." "Scotty, I like you too." "Really? That's fantastic! Um, so, y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend then?" "I'd love to." He leaned over and you shared your first kiss together. When you two broke apart you smiled, the happiest you'd been all day. And it could only get better now that you had Scotty and he had you. You couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring.

Authors Note-
Sorry for the kind of rubbish short one. The next one will he better I promise.

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