Chapter 3

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Third pov
Next Morning

Y/n and his brothers were walking to school. Y/n had told them the events of yesterday, before they left the apartment. Halfway to school, they see Issei walking with Rias Gremory. Terrence’s eyes and mouth were wide open in disbelief. Falco and Cruz were dumbfounded, while Y/n kept a straight face. As they reached the gate, a whole group of students were watching the two walking together. The girls couldn't believe their idol was walking with a pervert, while the boys were jealous.

“Come on, we have no time for this nonsense.” Y/n said to his brothers. They nodded and walked to the main building. Inside the building, they stop and see Issei on the floor while Matsuda and Motohama are questioning him. They asked what Issei did after he left them. He replied if they ever saw double-Ds. It caused them to short-circuit a little.

Y/n and his brothers couldn't believe what Issei just said. Y/n raised an eyebrow, while the rest were in complete disbelief.

‘Hmm, I wonder why Issei said that? Was Rias involved?’ Y/n thought to himself. He got out of his thoughts, looked at his brothers and made a head gesture to leave. They nod and leave the pervert trio alone.

Rias was up on the second floor talking to her friend, Sona Sitri. Sona had said her congratulations to Rias about her new pawn. To which she said her thanks. Rias was looking at the four brothers as they left for their class, but mainly Y/n. Sona sees this and is curious as to why.

“Something on your mind, Rias?” Sona said while fixing her glasses. The brothers are now out of sight.

“Yes, there is. Let's talk in private.” Rias said to her before she left.

Sona raised an eyebrow and was confused about the matter.

Small timeskip
Inside the Student Council Office

Rias had told Sona what Issei had said to her in his house about yesterday. That Y/n was there at the park with him, when the fallen angel attacked and an alien had appeared. She even told her what Akeno and Koneko had told her about the fallen's fate.

“You're sure you haven't seen him at the park?” Sona said while placing a hand on her chin.

“100%. I didn't know he was there at the time. From what Issei had told me, Y/n was the only one who remembers Yuuma Amano and the apparent date. Then he allowed him to explain everything, while walking around the neighborhood. And that's how and when they ended up at the park.” Rias said with her arms crossed.

“And you think Y/n just believes everything that Issei had said?” Sona said while raising an eyebrow.

“He did ask Issei to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Rias replied.

Sona nods in acknowledgement.

“What about this alien? You didn't sense it in the area while retrieving Issei? Did he give you a description of it?” Sona curiously asked Rias.

“No and yes, Issei did give me a description. It's tall and somewhat muscular, has a mask with a jaw on the mouthpiece, dark deadlocks with some red in the bottom, and was wearing some armor with something on its left shoulder. The skin is probably reptilian-like. It had a darkish green and little red color to it. It also clicks from time to time.” Rias said to Sona, who was nodding and took out a notebook and wrote down the aliens description. She even drew the alien, only the torso up.

“Not only that, the water fountain was damaged. My guess is that a fight had occurred. While checking Issei, Akeno found bloodied footprints that are not human. A few seconds later, we heard a roar. It came from inside the park. The last thing Issei remembered was the alien approaching him, and took something out and it healed him immediately, while screaming in pain for a few seconds, then went into shock.” Rias added. Sona continues to write down the information.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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